Program parameters
The following table provides basic reference information about program parameters, including their type and whether they are required for a specific program type . You can set program parameters using eitherAPI endpoints or in the Pismo Control Center .
Display Name |
Description |
Required for ... |
Value type |
Max Length |
Default Value |
Accounting MDR |
[Outdated - restricted] MDR (merchant discount rate) – Pre-payment discount percentage for merchants. |
percent |
0 |
Accounting RAV |
[Outdated - restricted] RAV (pre-payment of receivables) – Pre-payment discount percentage for pre-payment of credit card settlements. |
percent |
0 |
Accrual calculation strategy |
Parameter to define the start date for daily accruals: 0 - Normal (Due Date +1) / 1 - Calculation goes back to debit’s date (first installment: transaction date + 1; other installments: corresponding cycle start date + 1). |
Credit programs |
integer |
0 |
Accrual projection calculation method |
0 - Disabled, 1 - LINEAR PROJECTION (accruals projected from cycle closing to the due date). |
Credit programs |
integer |
0 |
Accrual rate discount |
[Outdated] Discount on OVERDUE and REFINANCING accruals. Does not apply to IOF. |
Credit programs |
integer |
0 |
Accrual reversal strategy |
Parameter responsible for configuring the accrual reversal strategy in the event of a purchase cancellation. |
Credit programs |
integer |
0 |
Allow account creation |
[Outdated - restricted] Automatically generate bank accounts upon account creation. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Allow account creation using an existing external_id |
Allow account creation using existing account external id by Org. |
All programs |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Allow creating entities without a document number |
Allow creating an object without a document_number. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Allow document_number reuse |
Allow more than one account to be created for the same document_number in the same program. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Allow earmarking |
Allow earmarking (set aside some amount of money from the total funds for later use). |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Allow multiple physical cards |
Allow more than one physical card to consume the same balance. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Allow sending card passwords via SMS |
If TRUE, allow sending card passwords via SMS password to card. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Allow tokenized transactions with new card on file |
Allow approval of tokenized transactions with cards in CREATED status (but not yet activated). |
Debit programs |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Allow transfr/cash-in |
Allow accounts to receive funds transfer/cashin. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Annuity fee amount |
Fee to be charged per annuity on the anniversary of the account. Must be configured in conjunction with the Annuity Installment parameter. It is releted to parameter PARCELAS ANUIDADE. |
Credit programs |
decimal |
0 |
Annuity Installments |
Number of installments to pay annuity. When parameterized, automatically divides the value of the annuity into the number of installments. And it will create a transaction of type annuity in the customer statement. |
Credit programs |
integer |
0 |
Approve rules authorization |
If TRUE (and if spending controls are configured), authorizations are approved by default when the response from the rules-api includes an error. |
Debit programs |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Approve rules cancellation |
If TRUE, deny authorizations by default if Rules API is unavailable. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
ATC maximum offset |
When comparing the current ATC value received with the values registered in our database. The difference must be less than this value. |
All programs |
integer |
15 |
ATC minimum offset |
When comparing the current ATC value received with the values registered in our database. The difference must be greater than this value. |
All programs |
integer |
5 |
Card expiration (# of months) |
Number of months to add to the current date to set card expirations. |
integer |
72 |
Configure a fine amount for late payment |
Set a fine amount and use it to calculate and post a transaction at each cycle closing if the rules are satisfied. |
Credit accounts |
decimal |
0 |
Contract bind allowed |
If TRUE, a contract can be bound to an account from a specific program. |
boolean |
N/A |
0 (false) |
Create physical card when creating accounts |
When creating an account, also create a physical card (for account owner). |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Defines the number of additional grace days granted to the program. |
Programs with this setting will receive the number of additional grace days configured in addition to the original grace period. Allowed value: from 0 to 10. |
Credit programs |
integer |
- |
0 |
Delayed payment period for boleto (bank slip) (days) |
[Outdated] Delayed payment # of days for boleto. Calculated either by Due Date or by Real Due Date (if due date falls on a holiday or weekend) |
Credit programs |
integer |
5 |
Delinquency buckets |
Defines if the delinquency buckets should be calculated for tracking an account's debt: 0 - Do not calculate, 1 - Calculate and amortize buckets from oldest to newest |
Credit programs |
integer |
0 |
[Outdated - restricted] Refers to the revenue from overdue charges up to 59 days. |
decimal |
0 |
Due Date Exchange Control |
Flag for validating the change of expiration dates. If TRUE, you cannot change the due date more than once per cycle. Valid only if STANDARD CALENDAR SELECTION = false. |
Credit programs |
boolean |
1 (true) |
Emboss an additional card |
(Private label cards only) Specifies that the addional card will be sent to embossing. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Emboss card with no address |
Allow cards without an address to be sent for embossing. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Enable accounts creation |
Enable accounts creation |
All programs |
boolean |
1 (true) |
Exchange rate expiration |
Exchange rate expiration period (days). |
integer |
0 |
Generate random password on card creation |
If TRUE, generate random passwords for new cards (user can only change afterward). |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Interest projection reversal |
Defines whether the projected interest between the cut (closing) and the due date of the invoice should be reversed if any payment occurs before the due date: 0 - Do not reverse), 1 - Reverse |
Credit programs |
integer |
0 |
Interest rate period |
The number of days in the interest rate period. This parameter can be used to configure different periods for interest rates, such an annual or monthly period. Refer to Changing the interest rate period for more information. |
Credit programs |
integer |
365 |
30 (monthly) |
Internal authorizations |
If TRUE, ignore the issuer's denial. This allows adaptation to different compliance rules or to create an extra layer of security. |
boolean |
1 (true) |
IOF daily rate |
[Outdated - restricted] IOF daily tax rate on a credit operation (revolving, installment billing and invoice settlement). |
Credit programs |
decimal |
0,0082 |
IOF first day |
[Outdated] If TRUE, revolving IOF charge on unpaid debit balance always occurs on the first day of the month. |
Credit programs |
boolean |
0 (false) |
IOF International fee |
[Outdated] IOF fee for international purchases. |
All programs |
decimal |
6.38 |
IOF monthly fee |
[Outdated] IOF monthly fee on a credit operation (revolving, invoice installment and invoice agreement). |
Credit programs |
decimal |
0.38 |
Itaú transfer discount |
[Outdated - restricted] Used to apply discount on specific Itaú transfer flows. |
decimal |
N/A |
0 |
Limit transactions for temporary cards |
Transaction limit amount of a temporary type card. The amount on the card is renewed every time the Issuer renews the card. Counts only authorized transactions. |
integer |
14 |
Mailed statements fee |
Fee for sending statement via mail. |
decimal |
0 |
Max name length on physical card |
Maximum number of characters for the cardholder's name on a pphysical card. |
integer |
25 |
Maximum amount entered according to the invoice |
Maximum amount for first payment in the execution of a statement agreement (v2 and v3 agreement endpoints only). |
Credit programs |
decimal |
- |
30000000 |
Maximum credit limit |
(Credit programs only) Overall maximum credit limit for credit accounts in the program. |
Credit programs |
decimal |
1000 |
Maximum number of card holders |
Limits the maximum number of additional card holders for an account. |
integer |
Maximum percentage of first payment |
Minimum percentage of first payment to effect a statement agreement (v2 and v3 endpoints only). |
Credit programs |
decimal |
10 |
Maximum recharge value |
Maximum recharge amount |
decimal |
2500 |
Maximum refinancing installments (v2 and v3 endpoints only) |
Maximum number of installments that a refinancing can take (v2 and v3 endpoints). |
Credit programs |
integer |
18 |
Merchant discount rate |
Merchant Discount Rate (prepayment discount percentage for merchants). |
integer |
Minimum boleto |
When the statement amount is less than this value, the outstanding balance does not accrue interest. |
Credit programs |
decimal |
0 |
Minimum credit limit |
(Credit programs only) Overall minimum credit limit for credit accounts in the program. |
Credit programs |
decimal |
0 |
Minimum down payment |
Minimum down payment amount for effecting a payment agreement (v2 and v3 endpoints only). |
Credit programs |
decimal |
- |
15 |
Minimum installment value (payment refinancing) |
Minimum amount of each installment of a refinancing agreement (v2 and v3 endpoints only). |
Credit programs |
decimal |
- |
7 |
Minimum recharge value |
Minimum recharge value |
decimal |
0 |
Minumum deposit amount |
For an interest-bearing account, accrual adjustments depend on interest-rate and period rules. By establishing a minimum amount to be applied, a minimum amount is required for each deposit. |
decimal |
100 |
Minimum installment payment |
Minimum amount of each installment of a statement agreement (v2 and v3 endpoints only). |
Credit programs |
decimal |
- |
15 |
Minimum payment calculation method |
Method for calculating minimum amount due (MAD). |
Credit programs |
integer |
0 |
0 - Brazillian model: 100% outstanding balance of previous statements + percentage of statement transactions prior to cycle closing. |
1 - Argentina model: percentages of all transactions prior to the cycle closing. |
2 - Indian model: 100% of the outstanding overdue and overlimit amounts |
Non-business days |
Days of the week to be considered non-business days: 1 - Monday, 2 - Tuesday, 3 - Wednesday, 4 - Thursday, 5 - Friday, 6 - Saturday, 7 - Sunday. |
Credit programs |
integer |
n/a |
67 |
Number of days before due date to set the closing date of the statement |
Number of days before due date to set the closing date of the statement. |
Credit programs |
integer |
10 |
Number of days to block the account for unpaid statement |
Number of days after due date to block the account for nonpayment. |
Credit programs |
integer |
10 |
Opt-in savings account |
Flag indicating whether the account is an interest-bearing account. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Overdue fee calculation method |
0 - late fee applied on 100% of the remaining balance of overdue transactions; 1 - late fee applied only to the minimum payment of the balance of overdue transactions. |
Credit programs |
integer |
0 |
Overlimit fee amount |
Fee applied if the customer exceeds the card limit (if allowed for the account). This fee is charged at the end of the invoice cycle. |
Credit programs |
decimal |
0 |
Percentage of income that will be for global limit for account |
Percentage of income that will be for global limit for account |
decimal |
0 |
Provisional global limit |
Provisional Global Limit |
decimal |
0 |
Send email notification upon payment |
If TRUE, send email notifications upon processing any bank/gateway/authorizer payment. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Send password via SMS |
If TRUE, enables sending password via SMS when creating an account. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Send rules authorization |
If spending controls are configured), evaluate rules using Rules API (default) or with some other rules. To call rules v1 endpoint, set value to |
integer |
2 |
Send SMS notification upon payment |
If TRUE, send SMS notifications upon processing any bank/gateway/authorizer payment. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Set EventDate in accounting entries to work days |
If this parameter is set to true, the EventDate field in accounting entries will contain dates for only work days. For example, if an accounting entry is created on a non-work day such as Saturday, the EventDate for this accounting entry will be the date of the next work day such as Monday. If this parameter is set to false, the EventDate field in accounting entries will contain dates for both work and non-work days. In this case, if an accounting entry is created on a Saturday, the EventDate will be that Saturday’s date. |
All programs |
Boolean |
- |
1 - True |
Set external id as main key for accounts |
Use external_id as main key instead of document_number. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Skip auto-renewal of temporary cards |
By default, a temporary card is renewed when the PCI data is consulted. When this parameter is defined as TRUE, the renewal is skipped. |
boolean |
0 (false) |
Statement balance refinancing rate |
Rate for refinancing a statement balance (v2 and v3 endpoints only). |
Credit programs |
decimal |
- |
5.99 |
Stop accrual # of days |
Maximum days in arrears for which the calculation of fees, interest ,and fines will be posted. The platform won’t post any accrued amount that was calculated after the STOP_ACCRUAL number of days. You can still post these accruals manually using the Statements API. |
Credit programs |
integer |
- |
63 |
Timeline Category display name |
Display name for the Category field of a timeline. |
integer |
Timeline Type display name |
Display name for the Type field of a timeline. |
integer |
Withdrawal limit percentage |
Maximum allowed percentage for withdrawals and payments. This value is a percentage of the maximum credit limit granted by the institution to users of this program. This value is set in decimal places. For example, to set a withdrawal limit of 10%, use 0.1. |
Credit programs |
decimal |
1 |
Wrong password attempts |
Number of wrong password attempts allowed before blocking the card. |
All |
integer |
3 |
Updated 12 days ago