Card scripts

As an issuer, you have the option to run configured scripts for physical, embossed cards that will be applied at the card's next authorization. Contact your Pismo representative to set this up.

Pismo currently supports the following scripts:


  • PIN change/unblock


  • PIN change/unblock

Script scenario

Update card password

Another scenario is for customers who work with an offline password validated directly at the point-of-sale (POS). In this scenario, customers work with the CMV (Card Method Verification) using an offline password first and then online password validation, that is, after 3 wrong cardholder attempts, the 4th transaction will have online password validation, making it possible to execute a script directly on the chip to change the password offline.

For this, the issuer must pre-register a card password that includes a script for changing the password that is added to the card's chip. The next time the cardholder executes a transaction, the script is returned in the message to the POS and executed, which changes the password to the pre-registered one.


  • For any script option, the card must support it and during configuration you will need to define these points.
  • For any issuer wishing to work with a script, a physical card generated and embossed for the EXT environment must be sent to Pismo to carry out the necessary validations and tests.

Card script endpoints: