Account status
The account status refers to the current state of this account. Every account is created with the status NORMAL
. The following table describes the available values for account status.
Status | Description |
NORMAL | Account is active. Allows both cash-in and cash-out, based on the limits of this account. |
BLOCKED | Account is blocked. Allows cash-in only. This is a temporary status, so it is possible to change it to NORMAL or CANCELLED when needed (details below). |
CANCELLED | Account is cancelled. No cash-in or cash-out allowed. This is a final status. If you need to recover a cancelled account, you must use the Roll back account status endpoint to overwrite this status. |
The Pismo platform doesn’t support account deletion. When you need to close an account, use the Update account status endpoint and set the account status to
Change account status
To change the status of an account, use the Update account status endpoint.
Account status reasons
Optionally, you can specify the reason for the change to a specific status. For example, an account may become BLOCKED
due to a court order or because of a fraud attempt.
How to add reasons
To add reasons to your organization, use the Create account status reason endpoint.
How to list reasons
You can list the currently available reasons for your organization using the List account status reasons endpoint.
parameter passes thereason
code (an integer), not thestatus
(a string). To get this value, call List account status reasons to list all reasons and then use the correct reason value to call Update account status.
Updated 18 days ago