CADOC 3050 report files


CADOC report

This is a CADOC report, defined by Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN). CADOC reporting is a requirement for all financial institutions that do business in Brazil.

The CADOC 3050 report contains the CADOC 3050 transactions from the previous day. The files for this job are saved in your designated cloud storage container in the reports/cadoc3050/ subfolder. See Report file generation and path for more information.

The following table lists the CADOC 3050 report fields.


Decimal values

Report decimal values are rounded to the hundredths - 0.00

Org_IDstringOrganization ID
RefDatedateDate the file was generated
Account_IDintAccount ID
OperationTypestringOperation type:
- StatementRefinancing
- InterestPurchase
- Withdraw
PrincipalAmountdoublePrincipal amount
ContractAmountdoubleContract amount
IOFAmountdoubleIOF (Brazilian tax) amount
EventDatetimestampEvent date
DueDatedateDue date
InterestRatedoubleInterest rate
InstallmentintInstallment number
NumberOfInstallmentsintNumber of installments
DueDaysintNumber of days account has been in arrears
EntityType_IDint 1 = individual CPF account, 2 = legal entity CNPJ account
DocumentNumberstringCPF or CNPJ number
CPF - contains 11 digits, including initial zero, if there is one
CNPJ - contains 14 digits, including initial zero, if there is one
  • CPF – An individual taxpayer identification number given to people living in Brazil, both native Brazilians and resident aliens, who pay taxes.
  • CNPJ – A taxpayer identification number used for businesses, not individuals. All businesses that are formed in Brazil must apply for a CNPJ number at the time of formation. Foreign companies that wish to invest or own assets in Brazil must also have a CNPJ number.