Revolving credit - Recurring charges

This table lists the endpoints or other sources for recurring charges and the events they generate. For information on setting up event notifications, see the Data and reporting overview.

Create recurring charge planrecurring_charge_plan_created-1
Disable recurring charge planrecurring_charge_plan_disabled-1
Create linkrecurring_charge_plan_linked_to_account-1
Delete recurring charge linkrecurring_charge_plan_unlinked_from_account-1
Update scheduled chargerecurring_scheduled_charge_updated-1
Link terminated because the last charge was incurredrecurring_charge_plan_linked_to_account_terminated-1
Generated when a link is canceled. Can also be generated when a charge plan is canceled, if disable_all_accounts is set to true.recurring_scheduled_charge_cancelled-1
Generated with every charge that's createdrecurring-scheduled-charge-created-1
Recurring charge settled without being appliedrecurring-scheduled-charge-settled-1
Recurring charge applied to account as part of the cycle closing operationrecurring-scheduled-charge-processed-1
Interest accrual rolled back from migrated accountinterest_accrual_rollback
Generated whenever one of the following properties changes: CurrentCycle, CollectionStatus, OpenDueDate, or ProgramDueDatebalance_account_change