Banking - Transaction banking
This table lists the transaction banking endpoints and the events they generate. For information on setting up event notifications, see the Data and reporting overview.
Endpoint | Event | Description |
Create corporate account | succeeded-1 corporate_creation-1 | Platform generates events when a client creates a corporate account. |
Update corporate account | status-change-2 | Platform generates event when a client changes an account status. |
Close corporate account | status-change-2 | Platform generates event when a client closes an account. |
Post a payment | authorization-event-1 change_available-1 balance_change-1 creation-1 evaluation_requested-1 entry_creation-1 | Platform generates two or more events during the validation process. |
Post a multi-leg payment | authorization_event-1 change_available-1 balance_change-1 creation-1 evaluation_requested-1 entry_creation-1 | Each leg generates all events except one. If flex controls are configured, the additional evaluation_requested-1 is generated. |
Schedule a payment | schedule_payment-1 authorization-event-1 change_available-1 creation-1 | Platform generates schedule_payment-1 event shortly after a client schedules a payment. Subsequent events are generated when the transaction is executed. |
Cancel a scheduled payment | schedule_payment-1 | Platform generates event when a client cancels a scheduled payment. |
Create earmark | authorization_event-1 change_available-1 balance_change-1 creation-1 earmark-1 | Platform generates events when a client creates an earmark. The earmarking process generates all these events because it triggers an internal transfer in the platform. |
Update earmark | authorization-event-1 change_available-1 balance_change-1 creation-1 earmark-1 | Platform generates events when a client updates an earmark. The earmarking process generates all these events because it triggers an internal transfer in the platform. |
Cancel earmark | authorization-event-1 change_available-1 balance_change-1 creation-1 earmark-1 | Platform generates events when a client cancels an earmark. The earmarking process generates all these events because it triggers an internal transfer in the platform. |
Create hierarchy levels | hierarchy_creation-1 | Platform generates event when a client creates a hierarchy. |
Create division | division_creation-1 | Platform generates event when a client creates a division. |
Patch division | division_change-1 | Platform generates event when a client modifies a division. |
Create account balance history configuration | balance_history_config_creation-1 | Platform generates event when a client creates a balance history configuration. |
Update account balance history configuration | balance_history_config_change-1 | Platform generates event when client changes account balance history configuration. |
Create dormancy configuration | dormancy_config_creation-1 | Platform generates event when dormancy is configured. |
Update dormancy configuration | dormancy_config_change-1 | Platform generates event when client changes dormancy configuration. |
Updated 6 months ago