Portfolio balance report files
The Portfolio balance report contains the portfolio balance events from the previous day. The files for this job are saved in your designated cloud storage container in the reports/portfolio_balance/
subfolder. For more information, refer to Scheduled reports.
- Report frequency: Once daily
- Reporting period: Previous day
- Update type: Full
The following table lists the Portfolio balance report fields.
Decimal values are rounded to the hundredths.
Field | Data type | Description |
Org_ID | string | Organization ID. |
RefDate | date | Date that the Portfolio balance report file was generated |
Account_ID | int | Account ID |
Program_ID | int | Program ID |
DueDays | int | Number of days account has been in arrears |
AccountStatus | string | Account status |
BalanceType | string | Balance type: - OverdueRefinancing– Sum of overdue debts - Refinancing: Sum of debts in refinancing/revolving - AccruedRefinancing: Sum of accumulated revolving interest charges and IOF - AccruedOverdue: Sum of accumulated late payment charges and fines - InterestRefinancing: Sum of accumulated revolving interest charges on current cycle debts - FixedIOFRefinancing: Sum of the accumulated fixed IOF charges of the current cycle - IofRefinancing: Sum of accumulated IOF charges for the current cycle - DefaultOverdue: Sum of accumulated deadweight charges of the current cycle - FineOverdue: Sum of accumulated fines for the current cycle - StatementRefinancing: Sum of invoice installments - RefinancingPurchase: Sum of installment purchases - OtherDebts: Sum of other debt |
Balance | double | Total balance |
Updated 9 days ago