
The Pismo platform provides separate environments for testing and production.

  • EXT – A stable environment intended for external developers who want to test their integrations. Nothing done in EXT affects actual data.

  • Production – Used by the end-user to interact with the Pismo platform. Any change you make here can affect live production data.

The endpoint you use determines the environment to which your call is routed, so each type of request has multiple endpoints associated with it, depending on the target environment. For example, if you send a request to the test environment, you'll need to use a different endpoint to send the same request to production.


For information about authentication, see Security.

Endpoint structure

An endpoint is a URL that you can use to send a request to the Pismo platform. An endpoint has the following syntax.

protocol:hostname/[prefix]/API version/path

Here's a sample endpoint that directs a request to Pismo's test environment:


The following table explains the different components in the sample endpoint.

protocolhttps://Always https://. This means the connection is encrypted and your data is safe.
hostnamesandbox.pismolabs.ioServer name that identifies the environment.
prefixaccountsName of the service you are accessing.
API versionv1Version of the API the endpoint uses. Used to avoid breaking changes to existing paths.
pathaccounts/10/balancesPath of the endpoint that specifies the method called by the endpoint. This follows REST API design standard.

Components of a Pismo environment

Every Pismo environment consists of exactly the same components. If you understand a few core concepts, you should be able to identify issues no matter where you find them.

PCI endpoints vs. non-PCI endpoints

PCI (Payment Card Industry) certification requires extra security measures for endpoints that pass or return sensitive data, such as PAN and CVV. The following services use PCI endpoints (in both EXT and Production):

  • /cardsonfile/
  • /pcicards/
  • /transactionsgateway/
  • /embossing/
  • /cards-tokenization/


A hostname is the entry point for an environment. Each environment has two servers:

  • Non-PCI – Server that handles most API calls.

  • PCI – Server than handles calls to PCI-related endpoints.

Hostnames for EXT

Use the following servers in EXT:

Type of endpointHostname

Hostnames for Production

In production, Pismo provides hostnames that are based on the specifics of your implementation. Ask your Pismo representative about the hostnames to use in production.


In EXT, some endpoints might work with either hostname. However, in production, you must use the appropriate hostname.