Accounting events report files

The accounting events report contains the accounting events from the previous day. The files for this job are saved in your designated cloud storage container in the /reports/accounting_events/ subfolder. For more information, refer to Scheduled reports.

  • Report frequency: Once daily
  • Reporting period: Previous day
  • Update type: Incremental

The following table lists the accounting events report fields.


Decimal values are rounded to the hundredths.

Field Data type Description
Org_ID string ID of the org to which the event belongs
CreatedAt timestamp Date the report file was generated
EventDate date Event date and time (ISO 8601)
DebitAccount string ID of the account debited by accounting entry
CreditAccount string ID of the account credited by accounting entry
EntryType_ID bigint ID of the accounting entry type
Description string Event description
Account_ID int Account ID
Amount double Transaction amount and currency code
Program_ID int ID of the program to which the transaction belongs
ProgramName string Name of the program to which the transaction belongs
BrandName string Card brand
Transaction_ID bigint Transaction ID
Authorization_ID bigint Authorization ID
RefDate timestamp Date the accounting_events file was created in the bucket
ProcessingCode string Defines the operation type, which is used either in the network or in the non-network operations
ProcessingCodeDescription string Description of the processing code
Event_ID int ID that identifies the business event
AccountEntry_ID int ID that identifies the accounting entry
DebitCostCenter string Debit cost center
CreditCostCenter string Credit cost center
AuthorizationDate string Authorization date in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD)
InstallmentNumber int Sequential number that represents the order of the installment

Sample accounting events files

The report file is delivered to the storage container in the PARQUET file format (for more information, see Apache Parquet. The examples in this section are in the CSV, JSON, and HTML formats for readability.

The file contents are the same for any type of program related to the records. The credit, debit, or prepaid program records differ only in their descriptions and codes. For more information on standard processing codes associated with Pismo program types, see processing codes and transaction types.

CSV format

The following example illustrates the file layout and provides sample contents of the accounting events file. The file layout corresponds to the layout of the file in PARQUET format.

TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000,57676000000000,2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z,0,0,101,PURCHASE,12345678,85.18,999,CREDIT PROGRAM,MASTERCARD,720160876,2371961,19250276000000,0,PURCHASE,98090944,100181032,0,0,2023-01-18,1
TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000,49605000000000,2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z,0,0,123,WITHDRAWAL,102414567,10.03,2895,CREDIT - Gold,MASTERCARD,720158888,2371962,19250276000000,1,LOCAL WITHDRAWAL,98088888,100179999,0,0,2023-01-18,5
TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000,83334000000000,2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z,0,0,320,CREDIT TRANSFER,12345678,1000,888,PREPAID PROGRAM,MASTERCARD,720164231,2371963,19250276000000,7200,CREDIT TRANSFER,98092269,100182549,0,0,2023-01-18,12
TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000,83604000000000,2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z,0,0,304,DEBIT TRANSFER,12345678,20000,444,PREPAID PROGRAM,MASTERCARD,720164235,2371964,19250276000000,7000,DEBIT TRANSFER,98092273,100182553,0,0,2023-01-18,2
TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000,32759000000000,2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z,0,0,243,PIX CANCELATION,12345678,20.1,777,PREPAID PROGRAM,MASTERCARD,720106712,2371965,19250276000000,11001,PIX CANCELATION,98088094,100178174,0,0,2023-01-18,1


You can download a sample_accounting_events CSV file using this link.

JSON format

The following example illustrates sample contents of the accounting events file in JSON format for readability.

JSON - Sample accounting events file
    "Org_ID": "TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000",
    "CreatedAt": 57676000000000,
    "EventDate": "2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z",
    "DebitAccount": "0",
    "CreditAccount": "0",
    "EntryType_ID": 101,
    "Description": "PURCHASE",
    "Account_ID": 12345678,
    "Amount": 85.18,
    "Program_ID": 999,
    "ProgramName": "CREDIT PROGRAM",
    "BrandName": "MASTERCARD",
    "Transaction_ID": 720160876,
    "Authorization_ID": 2371961,
    "RefDate": 19250276000000,
    "ProcessingCode": "00",
    "ProcessingCodeDescription": "PURCHASE",
    "Event_ID": 98090944,
    "AccountEntry_ID": 100181032,
    "DebitCostCenter": "0",
    "CreditCostCenter": "0",
    "AuthorizationDate": "2023-01-18",
    "InstallmentNumber": 1
    "Org_ID": "TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000",
    "CreatedAt": 49605000000000,
    "EventDate": "2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z",
    "DebitAccount": "0",
    "CreditAccount": "0",
    "EntryType_ID": 123,
    "Description": "WITHDRAWAL",
    "Account_ID": 102414567,
    "Amount": 10.03,
    "Program_ID": 2895,
    "ProgramName": "CREDIT - Gold",
    "BrandName": "MASTERCARD",
    "Transaction_ID": 720158888,
    "Authorization_ID": 2371962,
    "RefDate": 19250276000000,
    "ProcessingCode": "01",
    "ProcessingCodeDescription": "LOCAL WITHDRAWAL",
    "Event_ID": 98088888,
    "AccountEntry_ID": 100179999,
    "DebitCostCenter": "0",
    "CreditCostCenter": "0",
    "AuthorizationDate": "2023-01-18",
    "InstallmentNumber": 5
    "Org_ID": "TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000",
    "CreatedAt": 83334000000000,
    "EventDate": "2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z",
    "DebitAccount": "0",
    "CreditAccount": "0",
    "EntryType_ID": 320,
    "Description": "CREDIT TRANSFER",
    "Account_ID": 12345678,
    "Amount": 1000,
    "Program_ID": 888,
    "ProgramName": "PREPAID PROGRAM",
    "BrandName": "MASTERCARD",
    "Transaction_ID": 720164231,
    "Authorization_ID": 2371963,
    "RefDate": 19250276000000,
    "ProcessingCode": "007200",
    "ProcessingCodeDescription": "CREDIT TRANSFER",
    "Event_ID": 98092269,
    "AccountEntry_ID": 100182549,
    "DebitCostCenter": "0",
    "CreditCostCenter": "0",
    "AuthorizationDate": "2023-01-18",
    "InstallmentNumber": 12
    "Org_ID": "TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000",
    "CreatedAt": 83604000000000,
    "EventDate": "2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z",
    "DebitAccount": "0",
    "CreditAccount": "0",
    "EntryType_ID": 304,
    "Description": "DEBIT TRANSFER",
    "Account_ID": 12345678,
    "Amount": 20000,
    "Program_ID": 444,
    "ProgramName": "PREPAID PROGRAM",
    "BrandName": "MASTERCARD",
    "Transaction_ID": 720164235,
    "Authorization_ID": 2371964,
    "RefDate": 19250276000000,
    "ProcessingCode": "007000",
    "ProcessingCodeDescription": "DEBIT TRANSFER",
    "Event_ID": 98092273,
    "AccountEntry_ID": 100182553,
    "DebitCostCenter": "0",
    "CreditCostCenter": "0",
    "AuthorizationDate": "2023-01-18",
    "InstallmentNumber": 2
    "Org_ID": "TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000",
    "CreatedAt": 32759000000000,
    "EventDate": "2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z",
    "DebitAccount": "0",
    "CreditAccount": "0",
    "EntryType_ID": 243,
    "Description": "PIX CANCELATION",
    "Account_ID": 12345678,
    "Amount": 20.1,
    "Program_ID": 777,
    "ProgramName": "PREPAID PROGRAM",
    "BrandName": "MASTERCARD",
    "Transaction_ID": 720106712,
    "Authorization_ID": 2371965,
    "RefDate": 19250276000000,
    "ProcessingCode": "011001",
    "ProcessingCodeDescription": "PIX CANCELATION",
    "Event_ID": 98088094,
    "AccountEntry_ID": 100178174,
    "DebitCostCenter": "0",
    "CreditCostCenter": "0",
    "AuthorizationDate": "2023-01-18",
    "InstallmentNumber": 1

HTML format

The following example illustrates the file layout and provides sample contents of the accounting events. The file layout here corresponds to the layout of the file IN PARQUET FORMAT.

Org_ID CreatedAt EventDate DebitAccount CreditAccount EntryType_ID Description Account_ID Amount Program_ID ProgramName BrandName Transaction_ID Authorization_ID RefDate ProcessingCode ProcessingCodeDescription Event_ID AccountEntry_ID DebitCostCenter CreditCostCenter AuthorizationDate InstallmentNumber
TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000 57676000000000 2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z 0 0 101 PURCHASE 12345678 85.18 999 CREDIT PROGRAM MASTERCARD 720160876 2371961 19250276000000 00 PURCHASE 98090944 100181032 0 0 2023-01-18 1
TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000 49605000000000 2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z 0 0 123 WITHDRAWAL 102414567 10.03 2895 CREDIT - Gold MASTERCARD 720158888 2371962 19250276000000 01 LOCAL WITHDRAWAL 98088888 100179999 0 0 2023-01-18 5
TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000 83334000000000 2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z 0 0 320 CREDIT TRANSFER 12345678 1000 888 PREPAID PROGRAM MASTERCARD 720164231 2371963 19250276000000 7200 CREDIT TRANSFER 98092269 100182549 0 0 2023-01-18 12
TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000 83604000000000 2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z 0 0 304 DEBIT TRANSFER 12345678 2371964 20000 444 PREPAID PROGRAM MASTERCARD 720164235 19250276000000 7000 DEBIT TRANSFER 98092273 100182553 0 0 2023-01-18 2
TN-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000 32759000000000 2023-01-18T00:00:00.000Z 0 0 243 PIX CANCELATION 12345678 20.1 777 PREPAID PROGRAM MASTERCARD 720106712 2371965 19250276000000 11001 PIX CANCELATION 98088094 100178174 0 0 2023-01-18 1