Data events recovery

Every data event that the Pismo platform successfully publishes is securely replicated and stored in a dedicated S3 bucket. In situations where your application becomes unable to receive events for a period of time, you can access this resource to recover them.


Can’t Pismo simply redeliver my events?

To maintain our commitment to our SLOs (service level objectives) and avoid putting your operations at risk, the Pismo platform does not provide event recovery using the real-time streaming method. By enabling you to recover events directly using the batch upload method, you decide how and when to perform the recovery.

Reprocess events from backup files



To perform this activity, make sure that you have properly set up event delivery. In addition, you need:

  • AWS account credentials.
  • Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of both S3 buckets: Pismo’s (the source) and yours (the destination).
  • You also must understand how to assume the Pismo IAM role in AWS.

S3 bucket name

The name of your S3 bucket includes your organization’s ID (also known as the tenant ID). The name is generated according to the following pattern:


For example:


Event object directory structure

Events are stored as text files in JSON format. The JSON data is in its rawest possible form, to avoid any difference with the original event from the real-time topic. Events are written into the text file sequentially and without delimiters between the events. Event data is batched for 5 minutes or until it reaches 10MB in size and then saved as a new object containing event JSON data.

Object names use the following directory structure (which is based on the date and time when the Pismo platform published the event to its subscribers):


main_streamInternal application name (this never changes)

Event object name

The object name is generated according to the following pattern:


For example:


dataplatformPismo S3 bucket name (this never changes)
your_org_idYour organization ID
sequential_file_numberSequence number of the generated file (starting from 1)
file_hashUnique, fixed-length, and encrypted string of characters that represents the file's contents.

Application example

This section provides an example Python script for recovering event data. It uses Apache Spark to read the events from a specific period in parallel, as a partitioned table.



The example below is provided solely as an example to improve understanding — it is not intended to provide a solution, only a starting point for your customization and implementation planning. It is incumbent upon you to adapt it to your actual infrastructure, the technologies you employ, your authentication model, and so forth.

The script reads event data from the Pismo S3 bucket for your organization, processes it using PySpark, and then writes the result to the destination S3 bucket that you maintain. (Whenever you need to process a large number of events, it’s a good idea to use a parallel processing framework like Spark.)

p_org_id = 'tn-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'  
p_start_date = 'YYYY-MM-DD'  
p_end_date = 'YYYY-MM-DD'  
p_dest_bucket_path = 's3://{your_staging_area_bucket}/{your_staging_area_path}/'

# COMMAND ----------

from pyspark.sql.functions import split, explode, expr, regexp_replace, col,from_json  
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, LongType, StringType, DoubleType  
from datetime import datetime, timedelta  
from functools import reduce  
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame  
import concurrent.futures

# COMMAND ----------

def convert_to_date(input_date):  
        validated_date = datetime.strptime(input_date, '%Y-%m-%d').date()  
        return validated_date  
        dbutils.notebook.exit("Invalid Input Date : " + input_date)

# COMMAND ----------

def is_valid_range(start_date, end_date):  
    start = convert_to_date(start_date)  
    end = convert_to_date(end_date)  
    if start > end :  
        dbutils.notebook.exit("Invalid Date Range... Start Date: " + str(start_date) + " / End Date: " + str(end_date)) 

# COMMAND ----------

def get_paths(org_id, start_date, end_date):  
    aux = start_date  
    paths = \[]  
    while aux \<= end_date :  
        year = aux.year  
        month = aux.month  
        day =  
        source = 's3://pismo-dataplatform-{org_id}/main_stream/{year}/{month}/{day}/_/\_'.format(org_id=org_id, year=year, month=str(month).rjust(2, '0'), day=str(day).rjust(2, '0'))  
        path = {'date': str(aux), 'path': source}  
        aux = aux + timedelta(days=1)  
    return paths

# COMMAND ----------

SCHEMA = StructType(  
        StructField('event_id', StringType(), True),  
        StructField('cid', StringType(), True),  
        StructField('org_id', StringType(), True),  
        StructField('event_type', StringType(), True),  
        StructField('domain', StringType(), True),  
        StructField('schema_version', LongType(), True),  
        StructField('arrival_epoch', LongType(), True),  
        StructField('timestamp', StringType(), True),  
        StructField('data', StringType(), True)  
is_valid_range(p_start_date, p_end_date)

# COMMAND ----------

START_DATE = convert_to_date(p_start_date)  
END_DATE = convert_to_date(p_end_date)  
ORG_ID = p_org_id.lower().strip()  
EXECUTION_ID ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S%f")  
DEST_BUCKET_PATH = p_dest_bucket_path

# COMMAND ----------

def generate_output_path(date):  
    output = '{path}/execution_id={execution_id}/org_id={org}/date={date}'.format(path=DEST_BUCKET_PATH.rstrip('/'), org=ORG_ID, execution_id=EXECUTION_ID, date=date)  
    print("Persisting output path: " + output )  
    return output

# COMMAND ----------

def read_write_s3_path(source):  
    path = source['path']  
    date = source['date']  
    df =  
        .withColumn('value', explode(split(regexp_replace(col('value'), r'\}\{', '}\\n{'), '\\n')))  
        .withColumn('value', from_json(col('value'), SCHEMA)).selectExpr("value.\*")  
    output_path = generate_output_path(date)  
    optimized_df =  
    return optimized_df

# COMMAND ----------

def read_paths_in_parallel(org_id, start_date, end_date):  
    s3_paths = get_paths(ORG_ID, START_DATE, END_DATE)  
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:  
        dataframes = list(, s3_paths))  
        combined_df = reduce(DataFrame.union, dataframes)  
        return combined_df  

# COMMAND ----------

df = read_paths_in_parallel(ORG_ID, START_DATE, END_DATE)

# COMMAND ----------


# COMMAND ----------

FROM read_events  
WHERE to_date(from_unixtime(arrival_epoch / 1000)) BETWEEN to_date('{START_DATE}') AND to_date('{END_DATE}')  

# COMMAND ----------

df_output = spark.sql(query)

# COMMAND ----------
