BIN override - shared account option
BIN (bank identification number) values, used to generate a card's PAN at card creation, are currently configured at the program level along with type (credit or debit). Accounts and cards created under a program share the same type.
With BIN override, different cards can be tied to the same account and jointly consume the same account balance. For example, a prepaid virtual card could consume the same balance as a debit card.
The BIN override feature is implemented through templates, see Create a BIN override template below.
BIN override example
You have a program Y and account configured as type debit with BIN = 123456
You have a program X configured for prepaid virtual cards with BIN = 867654
You create a template with BIN=867654
Using your new template, you issue a prepaid virtual card under the program Y account that will share that account's balances. The template is used to override the program/account's default BIN values (123456).
Range override example
You have a program X with BIN = 123456 and range= 0 - 500000000
You create a template with BIN = 123456 and range= 500000001 - 999999999.
You create a card with the template for a program X account - the BIN will be the same as program X's but the range will be different. For example, the PAN could be 1234566879541234, where 123456 is the BIN, 687954123 is the range and 4 is the check digit.
Program override example
A template is created that points to an existing program, but with different BIN and ranges.
You have a program Y with BIN = 852456 and range from 0 to 699999999
You have a program X with BIN = 123456 and range from 0 to 500000000
You create a template with BIN = 852456 (same as program Y) and range from 700000000 to 999999999
You create a card with the template for a program X account - the BIN will be the same as program Y's but the range will be different. For example, the PAN could be 8524567854625815, where 852456 is the BIN, 785462581 is the range and 5 is the check digit. The card's program is Y, while its account is linked to program X.
For all override scenarios, as much as the PANs are different from the program's configuration, whether for BIN or range reasons, the card is always linked to the same account and consumes the same balance or limit.
The fees used for withdrawal for example, are always those of the program linked to the card. For the program override example, even though the card is linked to a program X account, the fees used will be from program Y. In the BIN and range override examples, the fees will be from program X.
Create a BIN override template
To create a BIN override template, contact the Pismo Service Desk and request one. The ticket type should be Settings.
Template fields
Field | Type | Description | Example |
template_id | string | Template ID | "EAFA693A-57B2-4029-97F3-D20D6F06D79B" |
org_id | string | Organization ID | "TN-f878e4a1-2879-48ba-be16-821e73ac98db" |
override_program_id | number | Program ID | 8675 |
bin | string | BIN number | "86753092" |
bin_range_beginning | string | Beginning BIN range | "100" |
bin_range_end | string | End BIN range | "1500000" |
Override API endpoints
The following endpoints pertain to the BIN override feature:
- Create card - You can specify a template to override BIN values when creating a card.
- Get card template - Get a specific template.
- Get card templates - Get all your organization's templates with paging options.
- Reissue card - Reissue card with template option.
Updated over 1 year ago