Core platform - Flex controls

This table lists the flex controls data events that the platform generates asynchronously. For information on setting up event notifications, see the Data and reporting overview.

Create account flex controlaudit/account_spending_limit_created-1
Update account flex controlaudit/account_spending_limit_updated-1
Create customer flex controlaudit/customer_spending_limit_created-1
Update customer flex controlaudit/customer_spending_limit_updated-1
These events occur asynchronously when the platform completes an evaluation request of a flex control.audit/evaluation_requested-1
These events occur asynchronously when the platform completes a rollback request of the flex control evaluation.audit/evaluation_rollback_requested-1
These events occur when the platform creates a flex controls template. To create a flex controls template, use Pismo Control Center or contact the Pismo support representative. audit/template_created-1
These events occur when the platform updates a flex controls template. To update a flex controls template, use Pismo Control Center or contact the Pismo support representative.audit/template_updated-1