Timeline events
Timeline events deliver information about account activity to your end users.
Timeline events versus data events
Timeline events are meant to deliver messages to your end users, such as a credit-limit notification in a mobile banking app. These are not the same as data events.
Timeline events are defined with a type and a category. Your Pismo representative works with you to define the categories and types for your organization. The following table illustrates an example configuration.
Type | Category |
Cash in | Events related to platform authorizations.AUTHORIZATION – Operation authorizedCANCELLATION – Operation cancelled.PARTIAL_CANCELLATION – Operation partially cancelled.DENIED – Operation denied.DENIED_CANCELLATION – Operation cancellation denied.CONFIRMATION – Operation confirmed. |
Cash out | Events related to platform authorizations.AUTHORIZATION – Operation authorizedCANCELLATION – Operation cancelled.PARTIAL_CANCELLATION – Operation partially cancelled.DENIED – Operation denied.DENIED_CANCELLATION – Operation cancellation denied.CONFIRMATION – Operation confirmed. |
Statement | Events pertaining to credit card account billing cycle.OVERDUE – Statement due date passed without payment.CLOSE – Current statement was closed.CARD_BLOCK – Physical card was blocked due to a past overdue statement.PAYMENT – Payment for the current statement was confirmed.PARTIAL_PAYMENT – Partial payment was confirmed. |
Dispute | Events related to transaction disputes. There is only one status for this category:CREATE – A dispute was filed for a transaction. |
Credit | Events from account's credit monitoring service.LIMIT_NEAR – Credit balance has exceeded 80 percent of its limit.LIMIT_REACHED – Credit balance has reached its credit limit. |
Transaction | Events related to authorizing transactions.AUTHORIZE – Transaction was authorized (for example, a purchase was made).CANCELLATION – Transaction was not authorized and was canceled.REFUSAL – Transaction was not authorized and was refused (for example, due to lack of credit). |
Card | Events related to physical cards.CREATION – Card object for an account was created in the system.PRODUCTION – Card information was successfully sent to the embossing company and the card is being manufactured.DELIVERY – Delivery event for a physical card was filed by the courier company.ACTIVATION – Physical card was activated.BLOCK – Physical card was (temporarily) blocked by the user.UNBLOCK – Physical card was unblocked by the user. |
Tokenization | Events for tokenized cards (when the card number is registered with a mobile payments system, such as Apple Pay or Google Pay). There is only one status for this category:ACCEPTED – Card tokenization was accepted. |
Example list events response
Below is an example response from the List account timeline events endpoint. The example has three events:
- Transaction event (type: REFUSAL)
- Confirmation event (type: AUTHORIZE)
- Cash-in event (type: TED [electronic transfer available])
Example list events response
"has_next": false,
"next_cursor": null,
"count": 3,
"items": [
"type": "TRANSACTION",
"account_id": 100697199,
"category": "REFUSAL",
"tenant_account_timestamp": "TN-6aec613f-44ba-4184-9488-bf0343e74734::100697199::2022-02-15T20:27:02.151790540Z",
"data": {
"item": {
"contract_amount": 123.77,
"response_code": "12",
"merchant_city": "MERCHANT CITY",
"dcc": true,
"org_operation": {
"processing_code": "003100"
"entry_mode": "001",
"number_of_installments": 1,
"principal_amount": 14,
"settlement_currency_literal": "USD",
"currency_code": "986",
"cardholderbilling_amount": 14,
"settlement_currency_code": "840",
"network": "MASTERCARD",
"pre_authorization": false,
"merchant_category_group": "SUPPLIES",
"soft_descriptor": "MERCHANT NAME",
"currency_literal": "BRL",
"cash_back_amount": 0,
"airport_tax": 0,
"interest_rate": 0,
"id": 3642614,
"mti": "0100",
"installment_amount": 14,
"to_name": "MERCHANT NAME",
"merchant_category_code": "5199",
"settlement_currency_rate": 1,
"merchant_state_or_country": "USA",
"card_id": 877427,
"cardholder_currency_rate": 0,
"local_amount": 14,
"entry_mode_literal": "UNKNOWN",
"customer_id": 16162789,
"settlement_currency_amount": 0.2,
"custom_code": "IAT"
"correlation_id": "606a7dad-6f84-44a2-862b-58aed51d14c1",
"timestamp": "2022-02-15T20:27:02.151790540Z"
"account_id": 100697199,
"category": "AUTHORIZE",
"tenant_account_timestamp": "TN-6aec613f-44ba-4184-9488-bf0343e74734::100697199::2022-02-15T20:26:56.151790540Z",
"data": {
"item": {
"contract_amount": 123.77,
"response_code": "00",
"merchant_city": "MERCHANT CITY",
"dcc": true,
"org_operation": {
"processing_code": "003100"
"entry_mode": "001",
"number_of_installments": 1,
"principal_amount": 14,
"settlement_currency_literal": "USD",
"currency_code": "986",
"cardholderbilling_amount": 14,
"ledger_update_id": "eb55fc5c-4c4c-4fa0-9188-87388483b1ca",
"settlement_currency_code": "840",
"network": "MASTERCARD",
"pre_authorization": false,
"merchant_category_group": "SUPPLIES",
"soft_descriptor": "MERCHANT NAME",
"currency_literal": "BRL",
"authorization_code": "TLT3S1",
"cash_back_amount": 0,
"airport_tax": 0,
"interest_rate": 0,
"id": 3642614,
"mti": "1240",
"installment_amount": 14,
"to_name": "MERCHANT NAME",
"merchant_category_code": "5199",
"settlement_currency_rate": 1,
"merchant_state_or_country": "USA",
"card_id": 877427,
"cardholder_currency_rate": 0,
"local_amount": 14,
"entry_mode_literal": "UNKNOWN",
"customer_id": 16162789,
"settlement_currency_amount": 0.2
"correlation_id": "7365faa8-28e2-403d-a953-8a9ba5fa6ea2",
"timestamp": "2022-02-15T20:26:56.151790540Z"
"type": "CASHIN",
"account_id": 100697199,
"category": "TED",
"tenant_account_timestamp": "TN-6aec613f-44ba-4184-9488-bf0343e74734::100697199::2022-02-15T14:09:12.151790540Z",
"data": {
"item": {
"to_account_number": "6531359",
"amount": 20,
"to_name": "Tinashe Sashi Ren",
"to_bank": "631",
"to_branch": "5536",
"from_document_number": "632698736583",
"entry_mode": "QRCODE",
"from_branch": "4114",
"from_name": "Shams Veasna Aaren",
"to_check_digit": "5",
"to_entity_type": "F",
"from_account_number": "6345373",
"from_bank": "512",
"from_check_digit": "9",
"to_document_number": "437599086325",
"context": "TED",
"to_phone": "5135551352",
"id": 1235123,
"status": "PROCESSED",
"authentication": "GRz5wv3vLQz9WP"
"correlation_id": "9abfa807-61f2-4e1d-8e2b-5d4e4e8bc57a",
"timestamp": "2022-02-15T14:09:12.151790540Z"
Updated 4 months ago