Card lifecycle and statuses

The following graphic shows the card lifecycle and statuses for nominal (physical - plastic or metal) cards, noname cards, and reissued cards. Card termination statuses are on the right.

Image shows the card lifecycle and statuses for nominal (physical - plastic or metal) cards, noname cards, and reissued cards. Card termination statuses are on the right.

Note: Termination statuses cannot be changed to an active or temporarily blocked status. A termination status can be updated to another termination status though, and a temporary status can also be updated to another temporary status.

Initial/default card statuses

The following table shows the initial (default) statuses for Pismo issued cards.

CardInitial statusNotes
VirtualNORMALDoes not have to be activated.
Physical (plastic/metal)CREATEDCan be overridden in program configuration to be NORMAL. After activation, it changes to NORMAL.
NonameUNBOUNDWhen assigned to a customer its status becomes CREATED. Once activated, it becomes NORMAL.
ReissuedDepends. See Card reissues below.

Card status enums

The following table contains current card status enums. "Type" here is an unofficial grouping, and does not exist as enums in code.

CREATEDInitialCreated in the system.
UNBOUNDInitialNoname card not yet assigned to customer.
NORMALActiveActive and eligible for transactions. Default for virtual cards. The transition from CREATED to NORMAL is for physical cards and can only be done through the Activate physical card
REISSUEDActiveCard has been reissued.
Temporarily blocked until further status changes.

A card could be blocked, for example, if the cardholder has exceeded their allowed tries to enter a password. You can reset this for a cardholder with the Reset password try count endpoint.
Created and is pending until further processing, such as account verification. Until then, transactions are disabled.
A general alert flag is set and transactions are disabled. After investigation, it could, typically, transition to FRAUD or revert back to `NORMAL.
INOPERATIVEMaybe permanent This status applies only to temporary cards. For more information, see Configuring temporary cards
LOSTTerminatedReported lost
ROBBEDTerminatedReported stolen
EXPIREDTerminatedCard date expiration reached
FRAUDTerminatedSuspected fraud
BROKENTerminatedNo longer physically usable
DEFECTTerminatedHas defect

Call the Update card status endpoint to change a card's status.

Card reissues

Similar to your embossing configuration, you need to personalize the card reissuing configuration and process for your brand as every brand has different reissue reasons and associated costs. After setting up your program, meet with your Pismo representative to configure this.

You can call the following APIs to view your reissuing configuration and reissue a card:

Card reissue scenarios and statuses

Scenario 1 - physical:

  1. Card created (CREATED) and activated (NORMAL)
  2. Card reissued with must_block = true(CANCELLED). (The reissue reason object contains the must_block field).
  3. New card created (CREATED) and activated (NORMAL)

Scenario 2 - physical:

  1. Card created (CREATED) and activated (NORMAL)
  2. Card reissued with must_block = false(REISSUED)
  3. New card created (CREATED) and activated (NORMAL)
  4. Old card cancelled (REISSUED > CANCELLED)

Scenario 3 - virtual:

  1. Card created and activated automatically (NORMAL)
  2. Card reissued with must_block = true or must_block = false(CANCELLED). (The must_block flag is a field in the reissue reason object.)
  3. New card created (CREATED) and activated (NORMAL)

Scenario 4 - physical:

  1. Card created (CREATED) and activated (NORMAL)
  2. Card terminated (for example, THEFT)
  3. Card reissued
  4. New card created (CREATED) and activated (NORMAL)
  5. Old card stays with the same status (THEFT)

Automatic card reissue updates

This service is offered in partnership with Mastercard to simplify a customer's life. When a new customer card number is issued, it is automatically updated on the various websites, applications, and digital services where the customer already has a record with the old card.