Transactions IOF report files
The Transactions IOF report contains the IOF transactions from the previous day. The files for this job are saved in your designated cloud storage container in the /reports/transactions_iof/
subfolder. For more information, refer to Scheduled reports.
- Report frequency: Once daily
- Reporting period: Previous day
- Update type: Incremental
The following table lists the Transactions IOF report fields.
Decimal values are rounded to the hundredths.
Field | Data type | Description |
Org_ID | string | Organization ID |
EventDate | timestamp | Event date and time in the ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss) in UTC-03. |
AccountingDate | date | Accounting date in the ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) in UTC-03. |
OrgDocumentNumber | string | State-issued ID number of account holder |
Account_ID | int | Account ID |
DocumentNumber | string | CPF of card/account carrier |
Name | string | Name of account owner |
TransactionDescription | string | Description of transaction |
TransactionType_ID | int | Transaction type ID |
IsCredit | tinyint | 1 if transaction is a credit. 0, otherwise. |
BaseAmount | double | Authorization value |
IOFAmount | double | IOF amount |
Rate | double | Fixed IOF rate. For example, 0.38 |
AdditionalRate | double | Variable IOF rate. For example, 0.01118 |
Transaction_ID | int | Transaction ID |
Program_ID | int | Program ID |
ProgramName | string | Program name |
EntityType_ID | int | Accounting entry ID |
DueDate | date | Due date of the transaction (for postpaid transactions) in the ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) in UTC-03. |
Updated about 2 months ago