Visa collaboration and allocation questionnaires

This guide is intended to help clients create a dispute form for Visa. Creating this form follows creating a dispute. Specifically, it is a transcription from Visa IES Release 23.2 translated to the Pismo platform processing. It is intended to help the clients use the Visa Dispute form collaboration questionnaire. For more information, see the Visa IES Release 23.2 spreadsheet or contact your Pismo representative.

This document addresses two dispute reasons:

  • Processing Errors (reason 12)
  • Consumer (reason 13).

So if your dispute has a reason 12, see the Result of processing errors (Reason 12) section below.

For more information, see Visa chargeback reason codes. Specifically, Processing errors (reason 12), and Consumer Disputes (reason 13).

Inside the result sections you can see that some fields are repeated. This occurs because the same field could be used for more than one dispute_due_to value. The tables below are organized according to dispute_due_to values

Pismo does not validate the completed collaboration questionnaire content.

Processing errors (reason 12)

Note: For the Req column, C = Conditional, Y = required, N= not required, and N/A = not applicable

Field Type Description Req
dispute_due_to = ID (Invalid Data)
authorizationRequestDeclinedValidDataInd bool Certification that the authorization request would have been declined if valid data had been provided.

Valid if dispute_due_to = ID (Invalid Data).
Required when valid.
explainWhyValidDataInclusionReason string Explain why the inclusion of valid data would have caused the Authorization Request to be declined

Valid if dispute_due_to = ID (Invalid Data). Required when valid
dispute_due_to = LP (Late Presentment)
processingDateOver10DaysFmTransDateInd bool Processing Date is more than 10 days from the Transaction Date. Valid if dispute_due_to = LP (Late Presentment). and if application determines that Processing Date > 10 calendar days from Transaction Date.

This element is valid only for Interlink network. For Non interlink network including adjustment of an ATM cash disbursement or a PIN-Authenticated Visa Debit Transaction: Required if Processing Date <= 180 calendar days from Transaction Date for non adjustment transaction or if Processing Date <= 45 calendar days from Transaction Date for adjustment transaction.
processingDateOver45DaysFmTransDateInd bool Processing Date is more than 45 days from the Transaction Date.
For non-interlink network:
Valid if dispute_due_to = LP (Late Presentment) and if Processing Date for an adjustment of ATM Cash Disbursement/PAVD transaction > 45 calendar days from Transaction Date.
For Interlink network:
Valid if dispute_due_to = LP (Late Presentment) and Processing Date of an adjustment transaction > 45 calendar days from Transaction Date.
processingDateOver180DaysFmTransDateInd bool Processing Date is more than 180 days from the Transaction Date. Valid if dispute_due_to = LP (Late Presentment) and if application determines that Processing Date > 180 calendar days from Transaction Date.

This element is valid only for Interlink network.
dispute_due_to = IC (Incorrect Currency)
incorrectCurrencyReason string Incorrect currency reason.
Valid in VISA Processing Errors Flux (reason code 12.3).
CD = Currency different. The transaction currency is different from the currency transmitted through Visa.
DD = Cardholder claims that you failed to offer them a choice of paying in your local currency or that they declined paying in their local currency
correctCurrency number Processed through VisaNet as [currency code]; what was the correct currency
[followed by unlabeled alpha currency code dropdown]

Valid if dispute_due_to= IC (Incorrect Currency) and incorrectCurrencyReason= CD (Currency Difference)

Required when valid

Note: Provide correct 3-digit ISO currency code as opposed to the one in the original transaction being disputed.
cardholderDidNotAgreeDCC string Certification that the Cardholder did not agree to Dynamic Currency Conversion and did not make an active choice.
Valid values = Y or N.
Valid if dispute_due_to= IC (Incorrect Currency) and incorrectCurrencyReason= DD (DCC Dispute)

Required when valid.
dispute_due_to = IT (Incorrect Transaction Code)
transactionCodeIncorrect string How is transaction code incorrect?

Valid if dispute_due_to= IT (Incorrect Transaction Code).

Required when valid.

CRI= Credit instead of reversal or adjustment,
CRD= Credit posted as a debit,
DCR= Debit posted as a credit

Retired values:
CP= Cash posted as purchase,
PC= Purchase posted as cash.


1. If user selects CRI (Credit instead of reversal or adjustment) then the dispute amount must always be a partial amount else user will get a hard stop error upon submit if Dispute Amount >= Transaction Amount.

2. If user selects CRD (Credit posted as a debit) or 'DCR' (Debit posted as a credit) then the Dispute Amount should be twice the Transaction Amount.
rolTransactionId long Valid if dispute_due_to= IT (Incorrect Transaction Code) and transactionCodeIncorrect= CRI (Credit instead of reversal or adjustment)

This will be VROL internal transaction id. User must provide one of the two fields rolTransactionId or incorrectTransactionId. These fields will be used to initiate transaction inquiry to search for supporting transaction. If provided, this field will take precedence over incorrectTransactionId.
incorrectTransactionId string Valid if dispute_due_to= IT (Incorrect Transaction Code) and transactionCodeIncorrect= CRI (Credit instead of reversal or adjustment)

User must provide one of the two fields incorrectTransactionId or rolTransactionId.

These fields will be used to initiate transaction inquiry to search for supporting transaction.

This is VisaNet transaction id. The Transaction ID is specified as the first 15 digits of this field from original transaction. If a Multiple Clearing Sequence Number (MCSN) is present for transactions such as airline transactions,
the MCSN should be appended to the end of the Transaction ID, which would make this a 17 digit value. A blank MCSN is treated the same as two zeros at the end of the Transaction ID.
explainWhyCreditRefund ProcessedInError string Explain why the credit refund was processed in error

Valid if dispute_due_to= IT (Incorrect Transaction Code) and transactionCodeIncorrect= CRI (Credit instead of reversal or adjustment).

Required when valid.

The dispute amount will be a partial amount.
dispute_due_to = IAN (Incorrect Account Number)
receiptAccountNumberMatchInd string Does the account number on the receipt match the cardholder's account number or token? Valid values = Y or N.

Valid if dispute_due_to= IT (Incorrect Account Number) and IssuerMasterFileAccountNumberInd= 'Y'
Required when valid.
issuerMasterFileAccountNumberInd long Is the account number on the issuer's master file? Valid values = Y or N.

Valid if dispute_due_to= IAN (Incorrect Account Number)

Required when valid.
matchingAuthTranId string Valid if dispute_due_to= IAN (Incorrect Account Number) and IssuerMasterFileAccountNumberInd=`N` and if a matching authorization transaction exists
This is VROL internal transaction id
authorizationDate date Valid if dispute_due_to= IAN (Incorrect Account Number) and IssuerMasterFileAccountNumberInd=`N` and if a matching authorization transaction exists
This is VROL internal transaction id
authorizationCode string Valid if dispute_due_to= IAN (Incorrect Account Number) and IssuerMasterFileAccountNumberInd=`N` and if a matching authorization transaction exists
This is VROL internal transaction id
dispute_due_to = IA (Incorrect Amount)
cardholderReceiptAmt number What is the amount on the cardholder's receipt. Valid if dispute_due_to= IA (Incorrect Amount). Required when valid.

Note: VROL calculates the difference between the transaction amount and the amount on the cardholder's receipt. If the dispute amount is more than the difference, VROL displays a hard-stop error and expect the user to modify the dispute amount to be no more than the difference.

Note: Documentation is required.
merchantDisputePriceDiffInd string Is the dispute due to the difference between the quoted price and the actual charges made by the merchant?

Valid if dispute_due_to= IA(Incorrect Amount) and cardholderReceiptAmt not equal to TransactionAmount and must be a valid T&E MCC code transaction as listed in the Visa Op Regs.

Valid values = Y or N.
Required when valid.
dispute_due_to = D (Duplicate) or P (Paid by other means)
bothTransactionsOnSameAcctNumberInd string Are both transactions for the same merchant and on the same card? Valid values = Y or N.

Valid if dispute_due_to= D (Duplicate) or dispute_due_to= P (Paid by other Means).

Required when valid.
duplicateTranDate date Transaction Date
Valid if dispute_due_to= D (Duplicate) or dispute_due_to= P (Paid by other Means). and bothTransactionsOnSameAcctNumberInd= Y.
duplicateTranId string Transaction ID

Valid if ( dispute_due_to= D (Duplicate) or dispute_due_to= P (Paid by other Means)) and bothTransactionsOnSameAcctNumberInd= Y.

User must provide one of the two fields duplicateTranId or rolTransactionId. These fields will be used to initiate transaction inquiry to search for a duplicate or paid by other means transaction. In case of multi-match, system will pick up the first transaction excluding pinned transaction/authorization/reversal. The duplicate transaction should have the same card account number as that of the disputed transaction.

This is VisaNet transaction id. The Transaction ID is specified as the first 15 digits of this field from original transaction. If a Multiple Clearing Sequence Number (MCSN) is present for transactions such as airline transactions, the MCSN should be appended to the end of the Transaction ID, which would make this a 17 digit value. A blank MCSN is treated the same as two zeros at the end of the Transaction ID.
duplicateTranAmount string Transaction Amount
Valid if dispute_due_to= D (Duplicate) or dispute_due_to= P (Paid by other Means). and bothTransactionsOnSameAcctNumberInd= Y.
duplicateARN string Acquirer Reference Number
Valid if dispute_due_to= D (Duplicate) or dispute_due_to= P (Paid by other Means). and bothTransactionsOnSameAcctNumberInd= Y.
rolTransactionId string
Valid if dispute_due_to= D (Duplicate) or dispute_due_to= P (Paid by other Means). and bothTransactionsOnSameAcctNumberInd= Y.
Valid if (='D' (Duplicate) or ='P' (Paid by other Means)) and ='Y'.
This will be VROL internal transaction id. User must provide one of the two fields RolTransactionId or DuplicateTranId. These fields will be used to initiate transaction inquiry to search for a duplicate or paid by other means transaction. If provided, this field will take precedence over DuplicateTranId. In case of multi-match, system will pick up the first transaction excluding pinned transaction/authorization/reversal. The duplicate transaction should have the same card account number as that of the disputed transaction.
issuerOrCardholderOtherAcctWithDiffVisaCardInd string Is the other transaction for the same merchant and on a different Visa Card owned by the same Issuer/Cardholder?
Format= CYY-MM-DD

Valid if ( dispute_due_to= D (Duplicate) or dispute_due_to= P (Paid by other Means)) and bothTransactionsOnSameAcctNumberInd= N.

Required when valid.
issuerEvidenceMerchantPassedOnFundsInd string Does the issuer have evidence that the first merchant passed on the funds to the second merchant? Valid values = Yor N

Valid if ( dispute_due_to= D (Duplicate) or dispute_due_to= P (Paid by other Means)) and providingPaymentProofOtherMeans= V (Voucher from the third party))

Required when valid.

Note: If user inputs Y, then the attachments docs are required. If user inputs N, then dispute will be blocked with a hard stop error.
cardholderAttemptToResolve string Did the cardholder attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant?

Required if dispute_due_to= P (Paid by other Means) AND ( otherTranSameMerchantInd= Y or issuerOrCardholderOtherAcctWithDiffVisaCardInd= Y)
Valid values = Y or N.
Optional if dispute_due_to= D (Duplicate) AND ( otherTranSameMerchantInd= Y or issuerOrCardholderOtherAcctWithDiffVisaCardInd= Y)
attemptToResolveProhLocalLaw string Is attempt to resolve prohibited by local law or regulations? Valid values = Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to= D(Duplicate) or dispute_due_to= P (Paid by other Means) and cardholderAttemptToResolve= 1N

Required when valid.

Note: If user inputs N, then application will display hard-stop error prompting the cardholder must attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant unless it’s prohibited by local law or regulations.
otherTranSameMerchantInd string Is the other transaction paid by other means? Valid values = Y or N.

Note: If user inputs 'N', then dispute will be blocked with a hard stop error.

Valid if ( dispute_due_to= D(Duplicate) or dispute_due_to= P (Paid by other Means)) and issuerOrCardholderOtherAcctWithDiffVisaCardInd= N.

Required when valid
providingPaymentProofOtherMeans string Providing proof of payment by other means

Valid if ( dispute_due_to= D(Duplicate) or dispute_due_to= P (Paid by other Means)) and otherTranSameMerchantInd = Y.

Required when valid.

Domain Values:

A= ARN from other transaction if paid with Visa Card
T= Transaction information from other transaction (Transaction Identifier), if paid with Visa card
C= Cash Receipt
F= Copy of the front and back of a cancelled check
V= Voucher from the third party
S= Statement from other card
O= Other

Documentation is required and valid for domain values C, F, S and O.
arn string Is attempt to resolve prohibited by local law or regulations?

Valid if dispute_due_to= D(Duplicate) or dispute_due_to= P (Paid by other Means) and cardholderAttemptToResolve= 1N

Required when valid.

Note: If user inputs 'N', then application will display hard-stop error prompting the cardholder must attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant unless it’s prohibited by local law or regulations.
transactionID string Transaction Information (Transaction Identifier)

Valid if ( dispute_due_to= D (Duplicate) or dispute_due_to = P (Paid by other Means)) and providingPaymentProofOtherMeans= T ( T= Transaction information from other transaction (Transaction Identifier).

Required when valid.

Consumer disputes (reason 13)

Note: For the Req column, C = Conditional, Y = required, N= not required, and N/A = not applicable. VROL = Visa Resolve On Line

Field Type Description Req
dispute_due_to = CR(Cancelled Recurring Transaction)
merchantFacilitiesWithdrawn bool Certification that the merchant facilities were withdrawnValid if dispute_due_to= CR (Cancelled Recurring Transaction) and disputed transaction's jurisdiction is Europe regional or domestic within Europe Note: User can only provide either merchantFacilitiesWithdrawn or cardholderDeceased not both. If both fields are provided then application will display hard stop error.
cardholderDeceased bool Certification that the cardholder is deceased

Valid if dispute_due_to= CR (Cancelled Recurring Transaction) and disputed transaction's jurisdiction is Europe regional or domestic within Europe

Note: User can only provide either merchantFacilitiesWithdrawn or cardholderDeceased not both. If both fields are provided then application will display hard stop error.
cancellationDate date Cancellation Date / Date cardholder withdrew permission to charge the Payment Credential. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

For Europe regional or domestic within Europe:

Valid if dispute_due_to= CR (Cancelled Recurring Transaction) and ( merchantFacilitiesWithdrawn= false AND cardholderDeceased= false)

Required when valid.

For all other jurisdiction other than Europe regional or domestic:

Valid if dispute_due_to= CR (Cancelled Recurring Transaction)

Required when valid.

Note: User can only provide either cancellationDate or accountClosureDate for all jurisdictions.
contactMethodWithMerchantInd bool Contact method with merchant

For other jurisdiction other than Europe regional or domestic:

Valid if dispute_due_to = CR (Cancelled Recurring Transaction) and cancellationDate is not null.

Required when valid.
contactMethodMerchantEmailInd bool EmailValid if contactMethodWithMerchantInd = trueWhen valid, at least one of the following fields must be set to true:
contactMethodMerchantEmailInd contactMethodMerchantCallCenterInd contactMethodMerchantMailInd contactMethodMerchantSMSInd contactMethodMerchantInPersonInd contactMethodMerchantWebformInd
contactMethodMerchantCallCenterInd bool Call Center Phone Number

Valid if contactMethodWithMerchantInd = true

When valid, at least one of the following fields must be set to true: contactMethodMerchantEmailInd contactMethodMerchantCallCenterInd contactMethodMerchantMailInd contactMethodMerchantSMSInd contactMethodMerchantInPersonInd contactMethodMerchantWebformInd
contactMethodMerchantMailInd bool Mail

Valid if contactMethodWithMerchantInd = true

When valid, at least one of the following fields must be set to true:
contactMethodMerchantEmailInd contactMethodMerchantCallCenterInd contactMethodMerchantMailInd contactMethodMerchantSMSInd contactMethodMerchantInPersonInd contactMethodMerchantWebformInd
contactMethodMerchantSMSInd bool SMS/Text Message

Valid if contactMethodWithMerchantInd = true

When valid, at least one of the following fields must be set to true:
contactMethodMerchantEmailInd contactMethodMerchantCallCenterInd contactMethodMerchantMailInd contactMethodMerchantSMSInd contactMethodMerchantInPersonInd contactMethodMerchantWebformInd
contactMethodMerchantInPersonInd bool In-Person

Valid if contactMethodWithMerchantInd = true

When valid, at least one of the following fields must be set to true:
contactMethodMerchantEmailInd contactMethodMerchantCallCenterInd contactMethodMerchantMailInd contactMethodMerchantSMSInd contactMethodMerchantInPersonInd contactMethodMerchantWebformInd
contactMethodMerchantWebformInd bool Webform/Application Name

Valid if contactMethodWithMerchantInd = true

When valid, at least one of the following fields must be set to true: contactMethodMerchantEmailInd contactMethodMerchantCallCenterInd contactMethodMerchantMailInd contactMethodMerchantSMSInd contactMethodMerchantInPersonInd contactMethodMerchantWebformInd
contactMerchantDetailsPhoneNumber string Phone Number

Valid if contactMethodMerchantCallCenterInd = true or contactMethodMerchantSMSInd = true

Required when valid.
contactMerchantDetailsEmailAddress string Email Address

Valid if contactMethodMerchantEmailInd = true

Required when valid.
contactMerchantDetailsPhysicalAddress string Physical Address

Valid if contactMethodMerchantWebformInd = true or contactMethodMerchantInPersonInd = true

Required when valid.
contactMerchantDetailsApplicationName string Application Name

Valid if contactMethodMerchantWebformInd = true

Required when valid.
otherFormOfPaymentInd bool Other Form of Payment

For other jurisdiction other than Europe regional or domestic:

Valid if dispute_due_to = CR (Cancelled Recurring Transaction) and cancellationDate is not null.
otherFormOfPaymentDesc string Describe other form of payment

Valid if otherFormOfPaymentInd = true

Required when valid.
accountClosureDate date Date issuer informed merchant of account closure

For Europe regional or domestic within Europe:

Valid if dispute_due_to = CR (Cancelled Recurring Transaction) and ( merchantFacilitiesWithdrawn = false AND cardholderDeceased = false)

Required when valid.

For all other jurisdiction other than Europe regional or domestic:

Valid if dispute_due_to= CR (Cancelled Recurring Transaction)

Required when valid.

Note: User can only provide either CancellationDate or AccountClosureDate for all jurisdictions.
cancellationMethod string Cancellation Reason

Valid if dispute_due_to = CR (Cancelled Recurring Transaction) and user supplied value in cancellationDate

Required when valid.
dispute_due_to = CS(Cancelled Merchandise/Service)
attemptToResolveProhLocalLaw string Is attempt to resolve prohibited by local law or regulations? Valid values =
Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to= CS(Cancelled Merchandies/Services) or cardholderAttemptToResolve= N

Required when valid.
Note: If user inputs N, then application will display hard-stop error prompting the cardholder must attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant unless it’s prohibited by local law or regulations.
cancellationPolicyProvidedInd string Was a cancellation policy provided? Y or N

Required if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and any of the following is true:
cardholderReceiveMerchandiseInd = N; or
didCardholderCancelBeforeShipping = Y; or
( serviceType = G (Guaranteed Reservation); or
( serviceType = T (Timeshare) and cancellationDate is 14 days greater than timeshareDate)

Optional if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and ( serviceType = O (Other) or didCardholderCancelBeforeShipping = N)
disputeRelateToOffpremisesDistanceSellInd string Does the dispute relate to off-premises or distance selling contract? Valid values = Y or N.

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and jurisdiction is Europe regional or domestic within Europe for non T&E transactions and merchant is located in country other than Turkey, Switzerland and Israel.

Required when valid
cancellationDate date Cancellation Date.

Required if dispute_due_to ='CS' (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and MerchandiseOrServices ='Services' and DidCardholderCancel='Y' or CertificationGuaranteedReservation='GR' (The cardholder properly cancelled the guaranteed reservation) or CertificationGuaranteedReservation='RC' (The cardholder attempted to cancel within 24 hours of delivery of the reservation confirmation) or MerchandiseOrServices='Merchandise' and DidCardholderCancelBeforeShipping = 'Y' or MerchandiseOrServices='Merchandise' and DidCardholderCancel='Y' and CardholderReceiveMerchandiseInd='N'

Optional if DisputeDueTo='CS' (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and MerchandiseOrServices='Merchandise' and DidCardholderCancelBeforeShipping='N'
cancellationMethod string Cancellation Method

Required if DisputeDueTo='CS' (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and (MerchandiseOrServices ='Services' and DidCardholderCancel='Y') or (MerchandiseOrServices='Merchandise' and DidCardholderCancel='Y' and CardholderReceiveMerchandiseInd='N') or (MerchandiseOrServices='Merchandise' and DidCardholderCancelBeforeShipping='Y')

Optional if DisputeDueTo='CS' (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and DidCardholderCancelBeforeShipping='N'
disputeRelateToInd string Is the dispute related to one of the following?
Y or N

- Price is dependent on fluctuations in the financial market.
- Made to measure goods are supplied.
- Goods are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly.
- Sealed goods, subject to health and safety provisions, are supplied.
- Goods are not received in physical form (software download).
contractDate date Contract date. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and disputeRelateToInd = N

Required when valid
merchandiseOrServices string What was purchased?

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services)

Required when valid.
serviceType string Type of service

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and merchandiseOrServices = Services.

Required when valid.

T = Timeshare
G = Guaranteed Reservation
O = Other
whatWasPurchased string Describe what was purchased?

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and ( merchandiseOrServices = Merchandise or serviceType = O (Other))

Required when valid.
cardholderReceiveMerchandiseInd string Did cardholder receive the merchandise? Y or N.

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and merchandiseOrServices = Merchandise

Required when valid.
chReceivedOrExpectedMerchandise date Date the cardholder received or expected to receive the merchandise. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and merchandiseOrServices = Merchandise

Required when valid.
cardholderAttemptToResolve string Did the cardholder attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant? Valid values = Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services)
Required when valid.

cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd string Did the cardholder return the merchandise?

Valid if disputeDueTo = ND (Not as Described) and merchandiseOrServices = Merchandise

Required when valid.
cardholderReturnedMerchandiseDate date Date cardholder returned the merchandise - CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if disputeDueTo = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = Y

Required when valid
returnedMerchandiseReceivedDate date Date merchant received returned merchandise. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if disputeDueTo = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = Y

Required when valid.
returnMethod string Return Method

Required if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services)) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = Y.

FF = Face to Face
FE= Fed Ex
P = Postal Service
O = Other
howMerchandiseReturned string Explain how the merchandise was returned

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and returnMethod= O (Other)

Required when valid.
shippingTrackingNumber string Tracking Number

Valid if dispute_due_to= CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and ( returnMethod= FE(FedEx) or D(DHL) or U(UPS) or P(Postal Service) or O' (Other))
cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise string Did the cardholder attempt to return the merchandise? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = N.

Required when valid.
attemptedReturnDate date Date of attempted return. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y

Required when valid.
howChAttemptReturnAndDispOfMerchandise string Provide a detailed description of how the cardholder attempted to return merchandise

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y
Required when valid.
merchantRefuseAdvise string Provide certification of one of the following

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and merchandiseOrServices = Merchandise and cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y
Required when valid.

MRRA = Merchant refused to provide return authorization
MRRM = Merchant refused to accept returned merchandise
MICNRM = Merchant informed cardholder not to return the merchandise
didCardholderCancel string Did the cardholder cancel? Y or N

Required if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and ( cardholderReceiveMerchandiseInd = N or serviceType = O (Other) or T=(Timeshare))

Optional when dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and cardholderReceiveMerchandiseInd = Y

Note: If serviceType = O (Other) and user inputs N, then application will display hard stop error.
didCardholderCancelBeforeShipping string Did cardholder cancel before ship date? Y or N

Required if dispute_due_to= CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and cardholderReceiveMerchandiseInd = Y and didCardholderCancel = Y
timeshareDate date Date of the timeshare, or the date the contract or related documents were received. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

For Non-Europe Regions:
Required if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and serviceType = T (Timeshare).

For Europe Regions:
Required if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and serviceType = T (Timeshare) and disputeRelateToInd is Y

Optional if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and serviceType = T (Timeshare) and disputeRelateToInd is N
dateOfService date Date of service or expected service. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and serviceType= G (Guaranteed Reservation) or O (Other)

Required when valid.
certificationGuaranteedReservation string Certification of one of the following

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and serviceType = G (Guaranteed Reservation)
Required when valid.

GR - The cardholder properly cancelled the guaranteed reservation
RC - The cardholder attempted to cancel within 24 hours of delivery of the reservation confirmation
AR - The merchant billed a no show transaction for more than one day’s accommodation or rental
dispositionOfMerchandisestringWhat is the disposition of the merchandise?

Valid if dispute_due_to = CS (Cancelled Merchandise/Services) and CardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y

Required when valid.

dispute_due_to = CM(Counterfeit Merchandise)
Note: Documentation is required.
whatWasOrdered string What was ordered?

Valid if dispute_due_to = CM (Counterfeit Merchandise)
Required when valid.
merchandiseWasCounterfeitDate date Date the cardholder received the merchandise or received notification that the merchandise was counterfeit. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = CM (Counterfeit Merchandise)
Required when valid
descCounterfeitMerchandise string Describe the counterfeit merchandise

Valid if dispute_due_to = CM (Counterfeit Merchandise)
Required when valid.
descDispOfCounterfeitMerchandise string Describe the disposition of the counterfeit merchandise

Valid if dispute_due_to = CM (Counterfeit Merchandise)
Required when valid
dispute_due_to = OC(Original Credit Not Accepted)
originalCreditNotAccepted string Certification that an original credit transaction was not accepted because either

Valid if dispute_due_to = OC (Original Credit Not Accepted) and if disputed transaction is an original credit ( TranType = Credit).
Required when valid.

R = Recipient refused the original credit
O = Original credit prohibited by local laws or regulations
explain string Explain

Valid if dispute_due_to = OC (Original Credit Not Accepted)
Required when valid
dispute_due_to = CN(Credit Not Processed)
creditVoucherTransactionReceipt string Was a credit voucher, voided transaction receipt or refund acknowledgement given?

Valid if dispute_due_to = CN (Credit Not Processed)

Required when valid

Note: If user inputs 'N', then application will display hard-stop error.
creditVoucherTransactionReceiptDated string Is the credit voucher, transaction receipt, or refund acknowledgement dated? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = CN (Credit Not Processed) and creditVoucherTransactionReceipt = Y.
Required when valid documentation is required.
creditVoucherOrTransactionReceiptDate date Date of credit voucher, transaction receipt or refund acknowledgement

Valid if dispute_due_to = CN (Credit Not Processed) and creditVoucherTransactionReceiptDated = Y
Required when valid documentation is required.
cardholderCancelledReturnedMerchDate date Date the cardholder cancelled the service or returned the merchandise. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = CN (Credit Not Processed) and creditVoucherTransactionReceiptDated= N
Required when valid
dispute_due_to = NR(Merchandise/Services Not Received)
Note: Not applicable for ATM transactions.
merchantInLiquidationOrReceivershipInd string Is the merchant in liquidation or receivership? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to= NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and jurisdiction is France domestic.
Required when valid.
whatWasNotReceived string Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received)
Required when valid.

M = Merchandise,
S = Services


1. VROL searches for existing 'Merchandise/Services Not Received' disputes for same card #, same merchant where all of the disputed transactions occurred within the 30-calendar day period (original transaction date of disputed transactions is within 30 calendar days). For Parcelado dispute, the transaction date of original authorization request should be considered.

2. VROL needs to count all transactions with same transaction Id as a single dispute.

If VROL search results into 2 or more disputes for same card number, user must attach a 'Cardholder Letter' document with any doc type to the dispute QN starting 3rd dispute else application will display a hard stop error.
thirdPartyGiftCardInd string Is the purchase a third-party gift card without an expiration date, where the merchandise or services were not provided by the third party due to insolvency or bankruptcy? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to= NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received)
Required when valid.
visaComCardVirtualAccInd string Does the dispute involve a Visa Commercial Card Virtual Account? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to= NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and whatWasNotReceived = S (Services) and productId from original transaction = G, K, S or X
Required when valid.
virtualAccFinancialLossInd string Did virtual account holder suffer a financial loss? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and visaComCardVirtualAccInd = Y
Required when valid.
didMerchantCancelInd string Did merchant cancel services?
Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and whatWasNotReceived = S (Services)
Required when valid.
merchantCancellationDate date Date merchant cancelled services. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to= NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and didMerchantCancelInd = Y
Required when valid.
nonReceiptOfTravelServicesInd string Does the dispute relate to non-receipt of travel services from a merchant that was unable to provide services due to insolvency/bankruptcy?
Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to= NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and whatWasNotReceived = S (Services).
Required when valid.

Note: Valid for Europe Regional or Europe Domestic disputes
disputeInvolveBondingAuthorityInd string Was there a bond/insurance scheme?
Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and nonReceiptOfTravelServicesInd = Y
Required when valid.

Note: Valid for Europe Regional or Europe Domestic disputes
explainAttemptToResolveWithBondAuth string Provide an explanation of the attempt to resolve the dispute with the bonding authority/insurance scheme (advice or guidance given) or where the information was obtained to confirm an insufficient bond/insurance scheme.

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and nonReceiptOfTravelServicesInd = Y

Required when valid.
bondAuthLetterOrAdviceDate date Date of the letter or advice from the bonding authority/insurance scheme. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = 'NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and disputeInvolveBondingAuthorityInd = Y
Required when valid.
purchasedInfo string Provide detailed description of what was purchased and an explanation of the dispute

Required if
dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and purchaseInfoAvailableInd = False

Optional if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and purchaseInfoAvailableInd= `True
expectedReceiptDate date What was the last expected receipt date? Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received)
Required when valid
expectedReceiptTime string What was the last expected receipt time?

Valid if dispute_due_to= NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received)
explainDisputePriorDeliveryDate string Explanation of dispute initiated prior to the expected delivery date

Valid if dispute_due_to= NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and expectedReceiptDate= Future Date
Required when valid
didCardholderCancelPriorExpectedDate string Did the cardholder cancel prior to the expected date? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and ( whatWasNotReceived = M (Merchandise) or whatWasNotReceived = S (Services))
Required when valid
cancellationDate date Cancellation Date

Valid if dispute_due_to= NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and didCardholderCancelPriorExpectedDate= Y.
Required when valid.
cancellationMethod string Cancellation Reason

Valid if dispute_due_to= NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and didCardholderCancelPriorExpectedDate = Y
cardholderAttemptToResolve string Did the cardholder attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and ( whatWasNotReceived = M (Merchandise) or whatWasNotReceived = S (Services)).
Required when valid.
attemptToResolveProhLocalLaw string Is attempt to resolve prohibited by local law or regulations? Valid values = Y or N.

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and cardholderAttemptToResolve = N.

Required when valid.

Note: If user inputs N, then application will display hard-stop error prompting the cardholder must attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant unless it’s prohibited by local law or regulations.
merchandiseDeliveredWrongLocation string Was the merchandise delivered to the incorrect location? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and whatWasNotReceived= M (Merchandise).

Required when valid.
lateDeliveryWrongLocation string Provide address of the agreed location or details of late delivery

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and merchandiseDeliveredWrongLocation = Y or merchandiseDeliveredLate = Y

Required when valid.
cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd string Did the cardholder return the merchandise? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to= NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and whatWasNotReceived= M (Merchandise) and merchandiseDeliveredLate= Y

Required when valid.
cardholderReturnedMerchandiseDate date Date cardholder returned the merchandise. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to= NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd= Y
Required when valid
returnedMerchandiseReceivedDate date Date merchant received returned merchandise. ormat = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd= Y
Required when valid
cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise string Did the cardholder attempt to return the merchandise? Yor N

Valid if dispute_due_to= NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd= N.
Required when valid
attemptedReturnDate date Date of attempted return. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to= NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and
cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise= Y.
Required when valid.
didMerchantCancelMerchandiseInd string Did merchant cancel the merchandise? Yor N

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and whatWasNotReceived= M (Merchandise).
Required when valid.
nonFiatCurrencyNotDelivered string Was non-fiat currency or non-fungible token(s) not successfully delivered to the destination wallet address supplied by the cardholder at the time of the transaction? Yor N

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and whatWasNotReceived= S (Services).

Required when valid.
merchandiseDeliveredLate string Was the merchandise delivered late? Yor N

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and whatWasNotReceived= M (Merchandise).

Required when valid.
merchantInBankruptcyLiquidationInd string Is merchant in bankruptcy/liquidation? Yor N

Valid if dispute_due_to = NR (Merchandise/Services Not Received) and

Required when valid.
dispute_due_to = DM(Damaged or Defective Merchandise)
damagedOrDefectiveOrderInfo string What was ordered and how it was damaged or defective?

Valid if dispute_due_to = DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise).
Required when valid.
merchantCancelMerchandiseDate data Date merchant cancelled merchandise

Valid if dispute_due_to = DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise).
Required when valid.
merchandiseReceivedDate date Date merchandise was received. Format = CCYY-MM=DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise).
Required when valid.
cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence string Is there evidence of previous ongoing negotiations between the cardholder and merchant? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and DateDiff( , Today())>120 and DateDiff( Disputed Transaction's Processing Date, Today())>120
Required when valid.
whenNegotiationsBegin date When did the negotiations begin? Format = CCYY-MM-DD.

Valid if dispute_due_to = DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence='Y'
Required when valid.
explainPrevNegotiation string Explain the previous ongoing negotiations between the cardholder and merchant.

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence= Y

Required when valid.
cardholderFirstNotifiedIssuerDisputeDate date Date the cardholder first notified the issuer of the dispute. Format = CCYY-MM-DD.

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence= Y

Required when valid
cardholderAttemptToResolve string Did the cardholder attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise).
Required when valid.
attemptToResolveProhLocalLaw string Is attempt to resolve prohibited by local law or regulations? Valid values = Y or N.

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and cardholderAttemptToResolve= N.
Required when valid.

Note: If user inputs N, then application will display hard-stop error prompting the cardholder must attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant unless it’s prohibited by local law or regulations.
cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd string Did the cardholder return the merchandise?

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise).

Required when valid.
cardholderReturnedMerchandiseDate date Date cardholder returned the merchandise. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd='Y'.
Required when valid
merchantReceivedReturnedMerchandiseDate date Date merchant received the returned merchandise. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd= Y.
Required when valid.
returnMethod string Return Method

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and
cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd= Y
Required when valid.

Domain Values:
FF=Face to Face
FE=Fed Ex
P= Postal Service
shippingTrackingNumber string Tracking Number

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and ( returnMethod= FE(FedEx) OR D(DHL) OR U(UPS) OR P(Postal Service)).
howMerchandiseReturned string Explain how the merchandise was returned

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and returnMethod= O (Other)
Required when valid
cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise string Did the cardholder attempt to return the merchandise? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to= ND (Not as Described) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd='N'.

Required when valid.
attemptedReturnDate date Date of attempted return. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and
cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise= Y.
Required when valid.
howChAttemptReturnAndDispOfMerchandise string Provide a detailed description of how the cardholder attempted to return merchandise.

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise= Y

Required when valid.
merchantRefuseAdvise string Provide certification of one of the following

Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and < CardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise>= Y

Required when valid.

MRRA = Merchant refused to provide return authorization
MRRM = Merchant refused to accept returned merchandise
MICNRM = Merchant informed cardholder not to return the merchandise
MNLER = Merchant no longer exists or is not responding
MNPCIR = Merchant did not provide clear instruction on how to return
dispositionOfMerchandise string What is the disposition of the merchandise?
Valid if ='DM' (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and ='Y'.
Valid if dispute_due_to= DM (Damaged or Defective Merchandise) and CardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y

Required when valid.
dispute_due_to = M(Misrepresentation)
merchandiseOrServices string What was purchased?

Valid if dispute_due_to= M (Misrepresentation)

Required when valid.
merchandiseReceivedDate date Date merchandise was received. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and merchandiseOrServices = Merchandise.

Required when valid.
serviceReceivedDate date Date services were received. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and merchandiseOrServices = Services

Required when valid.
cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence string Is there evidence of previous ongoing negotiations between the cardholder and merchant? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and DateDiff( merchandiseReceivedDate OR serviceReceivedDate, Today())>120 and DateDiff( Disputed Transaction's Processing Date, Today())>120

Required when valid.
whenNegotiationsBegin date When did the negotiations begin?

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence = Y

Required when valid.
explainPrevNegotiation string Explain the previous ongoing negotiations between the cardholder and merchant

Valid if dispute_due_to = M'(Misrepresentation) and cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence = Y

Required when valid.
cardholderFirstNotifiedIssuerDisputeDate date Date the cardholder first notified the issuer of the dispute. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence = Y

Required when valid
whatWasPurchased string Provide details of what was purchased

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation)
Required when valid.
howMerchandiseOrServiceMisrepresented string How was the merchandise or service misrepresented?

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation)
Required when valid.
didCardholderCancel string Did the cardholder cancel the services? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and merchandiseOrServices = Services
Required when valid.
cancellationDate date Cancellation Date. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and didCardholderCancel = Y
Required when valid.
cancellationMethod string Cancellation Reason

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and didCardholderCancel = Y
Required when valid.
cardholderAttemptToResolve string Did the cardholder attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and ( didCardholderCancel = Y or merchandiseOrServices = Merchandise)
Required when valid.
attemptToResolveProhLocalLaw string Is attempt to resolve prohibited by local law or regulations? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and cardholderAttemptToResolve = N
Required when valid.

Note: If user inputs N, then application will display hard-stop error prompting the cardholder must attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant unless it's prohibited by local law or regulations.
cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd string Did the cardholder return the merchandise? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and merchandiseOrServices = Merchandise
Required when valid.
cardholderReturnedMerchandiseDate date Date cardholder returned the merchandise. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = Y
Required when valid
returnedMerchandiseReceivedDate date Date cardholder returned the merchandise

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = Y
Required when valid
returnMethod string Return Method

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = Y
Required when valid

FF= Face to Face
FE= Fed Ex
P= Postal Service
O= Other
howMerchandiseReturned string Explain how the merchandise was returned

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and returnMethod = O (Other)
Required when valid
shippingTrackingNumber string Tracking number

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) or ReturnMethod= 'FE'(FedEx) or 'D'(DHL) or 'U'(UPS) or 'P'(Postal Service) or 'O' (Other)

Required when valid.
cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise string Did the cardholder attempt to return the merchandise? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and CardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = N.
Required when valid.
attemptedReturnDate date Date of attempted return. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and CardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y
Required when valid.
howChAttemptReturnAndDispOfMerchandise string Provide a detailed description of how the cardholder attempted to return merchandise

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and CardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y
merchantRefuseAdvise string Provide certification of one of the following

Valid if dispute_due_to = M (Misrepresentation) and merchandiseOrServices = Merchandise and cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y
Required when valid.


MRRA= Merchant refused to provide return authorization
MRRM = Merchant refused to accept returned merchandise
MICNRM = Merchant informed cardholder not to return the merchandise
dispute_due_to = ND(Not as Described)
merchandiseOrServices string What was purchased?

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described).
Required when valid.
merchandiseServiceReceivedDate date Date merchandise or service was received. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described)
Required when valid.
cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence string Is there evidence of previous ongoing negotiations between the cardholder and merchant? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and DateDiff( merchandiseServiceReceivedDate, Today())>120 and DateDiff( Disputed Transaction's Processing Date, Today())>120
Required when valid.
whenNegotiationsBegin date When did the negotiations begin? Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence='Y'
Required when valid.
explainPrevNegotiation string Explain the previous ongoing negotiations between the cardholder and merchant

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence = Y
Required when valid.
cardholderFirstNotifiedIssuerDisputeDate date Date the cardholder first notified the issuer of the dispute. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence = Y

Required when valid
orderDetailsNotAsDescribed string Provide details of what was ordered and not as described

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described)
Required when valid
cardholderAttemptToResolve string Did the cardholder attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described)
Required when valid.
attemptToResolveProhLocalLaw string Is attempt to resolve prohibited by local law or regulations? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and cardholderAttemptToResolve = N.
Required when valid.

Note: If user inputs N, then application will display hard-stop error prompting the cardholder must attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant unless it's prohibited by local law or regulations.
cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd string Did the cardholder return the merchandise. Y or N.

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and merchandiseOrServices = 'Merchandise'.
Required when valid
merchantReceivedReturnedMerchandiseDate date Date merchant received the returned merchandise. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = Y.
Required when valid.
returnMethod string Return Method

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and
cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = Y
Required when valid.

FF = Face to Face
FE = Fed Ex
P = Postal Service
O = Other
shippingTrackingNumber string Tracking Number

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and
( returnMethod = FE(FedEx) OR D(DHL) OR U (UPS) OR P(Postal Service)) OR O(Other)).
howMerchandiseReturned string Explain how the merchandise was returned

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and returnMethod = O (Other)
Required when valid
cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise string Did the cardholder attempt to return the merchandise? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = N.

Required when valid.
attemptedReturnDate date Date of attempted return. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and
cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y.
Required when valid.
howChAttemptReturnAndDispOfMerchandise string Provide a detailed description of how the cardholder attempted to return merchandise

Valid if dispute_due_to= ND (Not as Described) and cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise= Y
Required when valid.
merchantRefuseAdvise string Provide certification of one of the following

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and merchandiseOrServices = Merchandise and cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y
Required when valid.

MRRA = Merchant refused to provide return authorization
MRRM = Merchant refused to accept returned merchandise
MICNRM = Merchant informed cardholder not to return the merchandise
MNLER = Merchant no longer exists or is not responding
MNPCIR = Merchant did not provide clear instruction on how to return
didCardholderCancel string Did the cardholder cancel the services? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and
merchandiseOrServices = Services'
Required when valid.
cancellationDate date Cancellation Date. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and
didCardholderCancel = Y.
Required when valid.
cancellationMethod string Cancellation Reason

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and
didCardholderCancel = Y.
Required when valid.
merchantAcceptCancellationInd string Did the merchant accept the cancellation? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and merchandiseOrServices = Services and didCardholderCancel = Y and cancellationDate is less than or equal to 15 days prior to current date.
Required when valid.
qualityOfFoodInd string Is dispute related to the quality of food received from eating places or restaurants? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and merchandiseOrServices = Services and MCC is 5812, 5813 or 5814.
Required when valid.
cancellationMethod string Cancellation Reason

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and
didCardholderCancel = Y.
Required when valid.
nonFiatCurrencyNotMatching string Was non-fiat currency or purchase of non-fungible token(s) (NFT), the non-fiat currency or non-fungible token received by the cardholder did not match the description provided at the time of the transaction? Y or N.

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and
MerchandiseOrServices = Services.

Required when valid.
dispositionOfMerchandise string What is the disposition of the merchandise?

Valid if dispute_due_to = ND (Not as Described) and
CardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y.

Required when valid.
dispute_due_to = Q(Quality)
merchandiseOrServices string What was purchased?

Valid if dispute_due_to= 'Q' (Quality).

Required when valid.

purchasedInfoAndQualityIssue string Provide information about what was purchased and the quality issue

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality).
Required when valid.
merchandiseReceivedDate date Date merchandise was received. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and merchandiseOrServices = Merchandise.
Required when valid.
serviceReceivedDate date Date services were received. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and merchandiseOrServices = Services'
Required when valid.
cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence string Is there evidence of previous ongoing negotiations between the cardholder and merchant? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and DateDiff( merchandiseReceivedDate OR serviceReceivedDate, Today())>120 and DateDiff( Disputed Transaction's Processing Date, Today())>120
Required when valid.
whenNegotiationsBegin date When did the negotiations begin? Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence = Y
Required when valid.
explainPrevNegotiation string Explain the previous ongoing negotiations between the cardholder and merchant

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence = Y
Required when valid.
cardholderFirstNotifiedIssuerDisputeDate date Date the cardholder first notified the issuer of the dispute. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and cardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence = Y

Required when valid
cardholderAttemptToResolve string Did the cardholder attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality)
Required when valid.
attemptToResolveProhLocalLaw string Is attempt to resolve prohibited by local law or regulations? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and cardholderAttemptToResolve = N.
Required when valid.

Note: If user inputs N, then application will display hard-stop error prompting the cardholder must attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant unless it's prohibited by local law or regulations.
cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd string Did the cardholder return the merchandise? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and merchandiseOrServices= Merchandise .
Required when valid.
cardholderReturnedMerchandiseDate date Date cardholder returned the merchandise. Format = CC-YY-MM

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = Y.
Required when valid.
merchantReceivedReturnedMerchandiseDate date Date merchant received the returned merchandise. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = Y.
Required when valid.
returnMethod string Return Method

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and cardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = Y
Required when valid.

FF= Face to Face
FE= Fed Ex
P = Postal Service
O= Other
howMerchandiseReturned string Explain how the merchandise was returned

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and returnMethod = O (Other)
Required when valid
shippingTrackingNumber string Tracking Number

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and
( returnMethod = FE(FedEx) OR D (DHL) OR U (UPS) OR P(Postal Service) OR O (Other)).
didCardholderPayWorkRedone string Did the cardholder pay to have the work redone? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and merchandiseOrServices = Services
Required when valid.
cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise string Did the cardholder attempt to return the merchandise? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and CardholderReturnMerchandiseInd = N.
Required when valid.
attemptedReturnDate date Date of attempted return. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and
cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y.
Required when valid.
howChAttemptReturnAndDispOfMerchandise string Provide a detailed description of how the cardholder attempted to merchandise

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y
Required when valid.
merchantRefuseAdvise string Provide certification of one of the following

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and merchandiseOrServices = Merchandise and cardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y
Required when valid.

MRRA = Merchant refused to provide return authorization
MRRM = Merchant refused to accept returned merchandise
MICNRM = Merchant informed cardholder not to return the merchandise
MNLER = Merchant no longer exists or is not responding
MNPCIR = Merchant did not provide clear instruction on how to return
didCardholderCancel string Did the cardholder cancel the services? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and merchandiseOrServices= Services'
Required when valid.
cancellationDate date Cancellation Date. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and didCardholderCancel = Y
Required when valid.
cancellationMethod string Cancellation Reason

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and didCardholderCancel = Y
Required when valid.
merchantAcceptCancellationInd string Did the merchant accept the cancellation? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and merchandiseOrServices = Services and didCardholderCancel = Y and cancellationDate is less than or equal to 15 days prior to current date.
Required when valid.
qualityOfFoodInd string Is dispute related to the quality of food received from eating places or restaurants? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and MerchandiseOrServices = Services and MCC is 5812, 5813 or 5814
Required when valid.
nonFiatCurrencyNotMatching string Was non-fiat currency or purchase of non-fungible token(s) (NFT), the non-fiat currency or non-fungible token received by the cardholder did not match the description provided at the time of the transaction? Y or N

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and MerchandiseOrServices = Services

Required when valid.
dispositionOfMerchandise string What is the disposition of the merchandise?

Valid if dispute_due_to = Q (Quality) and CardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise = Y

Required when valid.
dispute_due_to = TC(Terms of Contract)
serviceReceivedDate date Date service were received. Format = CCYY-MM-DD

Required if dispute_due_to = TC (Terms of Contract (Virtual Account)) and Current Date is greater than 120 days from Disputed Transaction's Processing Date.

Optional if dispute_due_to = TC (Terms of Contract (Virtual Account)) and Current Date is less than 120 days from Disputed Transaction's Processing Date.
howTermsOfContractNotHonoredByMerchant string Provide details how the terms of the contract were either not honored by the merchant or not as described

Valid if dispute_due_to= TC (Terms of Contract (Virtual Account))

Required when valid.
dispute_due_to = CL(Non-Receipt of Cash)
Note: Not applicable for non-ATM transactions.
whatWasNotReceived string What was not received?

Valid if dispute_due_to = CL (Non-Receipt of Cash)
Required when valid.

If not provided then application will default to domain value C. If provided with any value other than C then application will display an error.

C = Cash

Note: VROL searches for existing 'Non-Receipt of Cash' disputes for same card #, same merchant where all of the disputed transactions occurred within the 30-calendar day period (original transaction date of disputed transactions is within 30 calendar days)

If VROL search results into 2 or more disputes for same card number, user must attach a 'Cardholder Letter' document with any doc type to the dispute QN starting 3rd dispute else application will display a hard stop error.


Allocation questionnaire (reason 11)

With VISA IES Release 24.2, Visa now requires an allocation questionnaire. This form only applies to the dispute reason 11 - Authorization.

Unlike the Collaboration questionnaire, this form will not have a dispute_due_to linked to it, and the only parameter that has to be filled is the accountStatus with one of the following values:

AC = Account closed
CP= Credit problem
F = Fraud


    "form": {  
        "allocationQuestionnaire": {  
            "accountStatus": "AC"  