Manage flex controls

Flex controls (flexible transaction controls) are rules that govern financial operations on the Pismo platform — for example, with limits on transaction amounts, merchants, or transaction types. For detailed information about flex controls and how to use them, see the Flexible transaction controls guide.

For information about accessing this feature, see Access profiles and roles.

Add a flex control

In Control Center, you can set up flex controls only at the program level. This means that a control affects all accounts in the program to which you apply it.


For information about applying flex controls at the account, customer, or card level, see Create flex control.

You can add a flex control as active (immediately in force) or as inactive (saved but not yet activate). Once a flex control is activated, the platform evaluates it whenever there are events generated for customer accounts that match its defined transaction types.

To add a flex control:

  1. On the main menu, choose Setup > Flex controls.

  2. On the Flex controls screen, click Create flex control.

Screen capture of the Flex controls section of the Control Center.
  1. On the Select a control type screen, select the type of control (Restriction control or Cumulative control).
Screen capture of the Flex controls section of the Control Center.
  1. Click Next.
  2. On the Select processing codes screen, click Add for each processing code to be included in this flex control.
Screen capture of the Flex controls section of the Control Center.
  1. Click Next.


For more information about processing codes, see Processing codes and transaction types.

  1. On the Conditions screen, do one of the following:

    1. If you're adding a cumulative control, proceed to step #8.
    2. If you're adding a restriction control, skip to step #9.
  2. (Cumulative control type only) On the Limits and time period screen, do the following:

    1. Select the type of limit: Transactions (restrict by number of transactions) or Spending (restrict by amount).
    2. Provide values and other details about the criteria to use to evaluate the condition (for example, amounts, time zone, and day of the month).
    Screen capture of the Flex controls section of the Control Center.

    iii. Click Next.

  3. On the Conditions screen, click the conditions that you want to include in the flex control. Multiple conditions are allowed but there can be only one attribute for each condition.

  4. Click Add condition.

Screen capture of the Flex controls section of the Control Center.
  1. Click Next.
  2. On the Program screen, click Select to apply the flex control to at least one program. This affects all accounts in the selected program.
Screen capture of the Flex controls section of the Control Center.
  1. Click Next.
  2. On the Review and apply flex control screen, do the following:
    1. Review and confirm each of the configuration settings.
    2. Enter a name for the rule.
    3. Specify the deny code to return when the evaluation matches the control condition.
    4. Set the rule to apply to personal accounts, business accounts, or both.
    5. Set whether to create the flex control as active (takes effect) immediately or inactive (saved but not yet activated).
Screen capture of the Flex controls section of the Control Center.
  1. Click Finish.

List flex controls

To list flex controls:

  1. On the main menu, choose Setup > Flex controls.

  2. Use the Search by name field to search by flex control name or the Select program field the to search for a rule by program name.

Screen capture of the Flex controls section of the Control Center.