DOC 5816 report files


This report is outdated. For information about the current version, see Brazilian legal reports.

DOC 5816 is a report required by the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) for financial institutions doing business in Brazil. It lists all foreign network transactions that occurred the previous day. Files for this job are saved in your designated cloud storage container in the reports/doc5816/ subfolder. For more information, see Report file generation and path.


Decimal values are rounded to the hundredths.

Org_IDstringOrganization ID
RefDatedateDate the report file was generated
Account_IDintAccount ID
DocumentNumberstringCPF of card/account holder
Program_IDintProgram ID
ProgramNamestringProgram name
NamestringName of account owner
AccountingDatedateAccounting date
MerchantNamestringMerchant name
BRLAmountdoubleBRL amount
USDAmountdoubleUSD amount
TransationType_IDintTransaction type ID