Multivalue program parameters

The following table lists the multivalue program parameters that are available on the Pismo platform.

Notes about data types:

  • Boolean: Accepts only 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'. (Case is ignored.)
  • Integer: Accepts values from -2^63 to (2^63)-1.
  • String: Maximum 100 characters
  • Decimal: Maximum 100 characters
Type Name Description
1 Integer array IGNORE_ACCRUALS_IF_ONLY_TTS Transaction type IDs for transactions that should not accrue interest and that should not cause the account to be promoted to delinquent if they are the only types of transactions that are overdue.
2 Integer array PAYMENTS_TTS Transaction type IDs for transactions that should be considered as payments. These types are used to calculate the total amount paid on the invoice and the amount paid by the due date.

By default, the platform considers the following transaction types as payments: 201, 244, 255, 276, 282, 320, 342, 701, 711, 721, 2224. If you configure this parameter, you need to list all the transaction types that you want to consider as payments, because this parameter overrides the default platform configuration.
500 String array of integer values DELINQUENT_ACCOUNT_CLOSURE_REASON Reason parameter name for delinquent account closure. Note: Only the first value in the array is used.
501 String array of integer values DELINQUENT_ACCOUNT_CLOSURE_PROCESSING_
Processing code parameter name for delinquent account closure. Note: Only the first value in the array is used.
502 String array of integer values DELINQUENT_ACCOUNT_CLOSURE_DAYS The number of days an account must be in delinquency before it can be closed. Note: Only the first value in the array is used.
503 Integer array DAYS_BEFORE_TO_WARNING_DELINQUENT_CLOSURE The number of days a warning event is generated before a delinquent account is closed. For example, if a delinquent account is due to be closed on the 20th day of the month, and `DAYS_BEFORE_TO_WARNING_DELINQUENT_CLOSURE` is set to 5, then a warning event is generated starting on day 15 of the month. Another warning event is generated on each subsequent day until the 19th (or until the the account is no longer in delinquency). Note: Only the first value in the array is used.
504 String array RECURRING_CHARGE_FINAL_ACCOUNT_STATUS Final account status indicating that both the recurring charge links and the scheduled charges have been canceled. Note: Only the first value in the array is used.
After an account is closed for delinquency, it can still receive late transactions. The Pismo platform creates offsetting transactions to settle these. If a late credit transaction is received, the platform creates a debit transaction to settle it. The first value in the `DELINQUENT_ACCOUNT_CLOSURE_LATE_TRX_DEBIT_PROCESSING_CODE` array is the processing code parameter name that should be used for these debit transactions. Note: Only the first value in the array is used.
506 String array DELINQUENT_ACCOUNT_CLOSURE_LATE_TRX_CREDIT_PROCESSING_CODE After an account is closed for delinquency, it can still receive late transactions. The Pismo platform creates offsetting transactions to settle these. If a late debit transaction is received, the platform creates a credit transaction to settle it. The first value in the `DELINQUENT_ACCOUNT_CLOSURE_LATE_TRX_DEBIT_PROCESSING_CODE` array is the processing code parameter name that should be used for these credit transactions. Note: Only the first value in the array is used.
Acceptable transaction types for discharging a delinquency bucket balance.
508 String array DELINQUENT_ACCOUNT_EXCLUDED_STEPS Steps to exclude from the delinquent account flow.
509 String array DELINQUENT_ACCOUNT_FINAL_ACCOUNT_STATUS Final account status for a delinquent account flow. Note: Only the first value in the array is used.
510 String array DELINQUENT_ACCOUNT_IGNORE_ACCOUNT_STATUS Account statuses that the delinquent account flow should ignore.
Transaction types that should be canceled separately for delinquent account closure.
1000 Boolean CHARGE_IOF_INDEPENDENTLY Enables or disables the generation of IOF accruals regardless of the REFINANCING configuration.
1001 Boolean CHARGE_FINE_INDEPENDENTLY Enables or disables the generation of FINE accruals regardless of the OVERDUE configuration.
Transaction category IDs for IOF accruals.
Transaction category IDs for FINE accruals.