Creating a corporate account

When you create a corporate account, additional characteristics can be assigned to the account. The account_Id generated by this request will still be valid for any other account-oriented endpoint in the platform, and will require an account-specific token.

Body parameters

division_idDivision ID to which the account belongsStringYes
program_idProgram ID to which the account belongsNumberYes
applicantInformation about the applicant, that will become the account holderObject

  • document_number (string, required) – Government document number
  • name (string, required) – Applicant name
  • external_id (string, optional) – uniquely identifies the applicant within your organization
  • custom_fields (object) – Any name-value fields
external_idUniquely identifies the account within your organizationStringNo
location_id (DEPRECATED)Location IDNumberNo
calendar_id (DEPRECATED)Calendar IDNumberNo
parent_account_idAccount ID for the parent account of the account being createdNumberNo
target_balanceTarget balance for the account after sweep routinesDoubleNo


curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "division_id": "49603301-d995-4ae2-b130-5202562a6487",
     "program_id": 8674,
     "applicant": {
          "document_number": "812-04-5147",
          "name": "Chester Fields"
          "aplicant.external_id": 123123123
     "external_id": 321321321
     "parent_account_id": 547984,
     "target_balance": 0,


  "account_id": 178800,
  "customer_id": 156701,
  "entity_id": 107322,
  "program_id": 8674