Account management options
Pismo Control Center lets you review account information at a glance. You also can use it to make edits to an account (such as changing its status or making adjustments) and on the cards issued for it.
Account configurations menu
This menu lets you access and edit selected account information by view.

The following views are available.
- Account details (view only): Account information, including its type, Pismo ID, and creation date.
- Customers (read only): Customer information, including Pismo ID, document number, birth date, and gender.
- Phone numbers: Customer's residential, commercial, and mobile phone numbers.
- Addresses: Customer address details, including the primary address and any additional addresses.
- Deposit products (debit accounts only): Deposit products attached to the account.
Actions menu
Use this menu to perform selected actions on an account..

For information about the Sessions section of the menu, refer to Sessions.
Account views
Account views group information about an account into categories. The views vary based on the account type. The following views are available.
- Overview: General information. This is the default view.
- Cards: Every issued card. Each card has detail tabs for transactions, details, and status change history.
- Transactions: Transaction event history.
- Statements (credit only): Monthly statement details, including amounts, minimum payment, and related dates.
- Limits: Credit limits (credit accounts) or fund balances (debit accounts).
- Deposit products (debit only): Available and attached deposit products.
- Timeline: Account event history.
- History: Account management session history.
Card details
This view lists all cards that were issued for the account, with the following details.
- Transactions: List of purchases and related transactions made using the card.
- Details: Detailed card information. You can use Control Center to edit some details and to reissue a card.
- History: List of all card status changes.
Updated 5 days ago