Access profiles and roles

What you can see and do in Control Center is determined by the access profile that is configured for your user. An access profile is a collection of roles, which are based on the type of tasks you perform. For example:

  • If you need to update account and card statuses only, you may need the Collections analyst role.
  • If if you need to manage customer accounts and disputes, you may need the Backoffice operator role.
  • If you manage client financial data more generally, you may need the Setup operator role.


If you don't see a menu item or feature

If your access profile doesn't include the correct roles, you won’t see certain menu items, screens or other elements mentioned in this documentation. In this case, contact your Control Center administrator or any Control Center user who has the User manager role.

The following table describes the available roles within an access profile.

RoleWrite access (view/modify/add)Read access (view only)
Accounts operatorEdit cards and accounts information, including all information on Accounts management.
Accounts viewerView cards and accounts information.
AdminEdit access to all screens and functions except accounts and disputes management.

Edit the access keys for an organization.
AuditorView user profiles and user activity logs.
Backoffice operatorEdit all information related to accounts and disputes management.
Backoffice viewerView disputes, cards and accounts information.
Collections analystEdit account and card statuses.View all account information.
Setup advancedEdit flex controls.
Setup advanced viewerView flex controls.
Setup operatorEdit program information and selected financial information (including processing codes, transaction types, transaction categories, fee models, and interest plans).View flex controls.
Setup viewerView program information and selected financial information (including processing codes and transaction types, transaction categories, fee models, and interest plans).
View flex controls.
User managerAdd users and edit user profiles.View user activity logs.