Schedule payment

Enables users to schedule payments for a specified future date (schedule_datetime). For more information, see Schedule payment overview.

The payload for this request is similar to that of the Post payment endpoint with the exception of the (schedule_datetime) property.

See Data and reporting for more information about events and setting up event notifications.

For more information on payments operations, see Corporate Banking Launch Reference.


  • This endpoint requires an account-specific access token. Only this account can debit its balance to create the scheduled payment. Getting an account token requires you to call the Get OpenID access token endpoint with an external account ID. Tokens can expire quickly, which can result in an Unauthorized message.
  • For scheduled payments, validation of the transaction occurs only during the execution of the scheduled payment.

This endpoint generates the following events:

See Data and reporting for more information about events and how to set up event notifications.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!