Bank slips (outdated)
In Brazil, bank slips are used to pay bills, such as utilities, taxes, rent, and so on. Known as Boleto , it is a common cash payment method in Brazil. A bank slip is a bank voucher (printed or virtual) that can be paid to various financial institutions.
To validate and pay a bank slip, you can scan a barcode (if possible) or enter the digitable line (numbers on the bank slip that represent the barcode information). Pismo then connects with the charge holder and returns to you payment confirmation or an error message.
There are two Boleto types:
- Boletos de Concessionárias - Also known as “consumer bills.” The most popular are electricity bills, water bills, gas bills, etc. These bills have digitable lines that start with an "8". They can be paid through our endpoints and include taxes levied in Brazil (DARF, FGTS, GRU, GPS).
- Boletos Bancários - Bank generated slips.
Both types have digitable line fields that are usually between 44 and 48 digits.
Pismo works with BTG Pactual, Celcoin, and Itaú to implement Boleto payments. In the future, Pismo may work with additional financial companies.
Payment flow
Paying a Boleto at Pismo is a three-step process.
Endpoint | Step | Description |
Validate bank slip | Validation | As required before payment, the customer submits the Boleto for validation, either using an app to scan a QR code or entering the digitable line manually. Pismo transmits the data to the payer’s banking provider to get information about the bill and return it to the client. This information includes the bill amount and to whom the client is paying. Note: This endpoint might return an external_authorization field. If so, it must be passed in the Pay bank slip endpoint. |
Pay bank slip | Payment | Pismo calls the payment provider to execute the payment and settle the transaction. Provider notifies Pismo that the payment is settled. Pismo returns confirmation to the client or an error message if it fails. This endpoint generates an Authorization created event and a Financial bankslip status changed event. |
List bank slip receipts | Proof of payment (receipt) | When a customer requests a payment receipt, Pismo forwards the request to the provider, who then generates the receipt, which Pismo returns to the customer. |
Updated 7 months ago