Disputes management

A dispute is when a cardholder requests a cancellation or refund. For more information about disputes on the Pismo platform, refer to Disputes overview.

List disputes and update dispute status

To list disputes and update dispute status:

  1. From the main menu, select Operations > Disputes management.

  2. On the results screen, use the Search field and Filter icon as needed to locate the specific dispute you want.

  3. Select the account containing the transaction that you want to dispute.

  4. On the Dispute information screen, select the Status menu to change the dispute status.

  5. (Optional) To attach a file (such as a receipt or other related document), select Upload attachment.

Add a dispute (request refund)

To add a dispute:

  1. Open the account containing the transaction that you want to dispute.
  2. Open the Transactions tab.
  3. On the transaction screen, select Issue refund.