Add a fee to a fee model

To add a fee to a fee model:

  1. From the main menu, select Setup > Fee models.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To add a fee to the default fee model attached to the organization, select Details.
    • To add a fee to a different fee model, select the model you want to edit in the results list.
  3. On the Fee model details screen, open the Fees tab.
  4. On the Fees tab, select Add fee.
  5. On the Fee description screen, type a name for the fee in the Name field.
  6. Select one of the following to specify whether the fee generates a transaction:
    • Yes, it generates a transaction
    • No, it does not generate a transaction
  7. If the fee does generate a transaction, do the following:
    1. In the ID and Type fields, select the transaction ID to be used.
    2. In the Calculation basis field, select one of the following:
      • Principal amount: Taxes are applied to the original transaction amount only. This is the default.
      • Contract amount: Taxes are applied to the original transaction amount plus fees.
  8. Select one of the following to specify the calculation method:
    • Fixed
    • Greater
    • Percentage
    • Daily percentage
    • Compound interest
    • Accumulator
    • Price table
    • Aging
    • IOF


For more information about calculation methods, refer to Fee models.

  1. Select Next.
  2. On the Processing code screen, choose the Select button for each processing code that to which you want to link. (For more information, see Processing codes.)
  3. Select Next.
  4. On the Review screen, select Finish.