
Pismo Control Center is a web application that enables business users to perform various tasks on the Pismo platform, but without having to understand the platform's APIs (application programming interfaces). You can use it for things like managing programs and issuing cards


Updated version of Control Center

Starting on 19 February 2025, Pismo will begin a phased rollout of updates to the Control Center across all test (EXT) and production environments. The new version includes enhanced security and usability improvements.

Important: During this transition period, note the following:

  • If you're using the updated version of Pismo Control Center, you will receive two emails containing important sign-on information. For details, refer to Get access.
  • If you're using a version Control Center that hasn't been updated yet, no action is required. However, the Control Center documentation has been updated to reflect the new version. During the transition period, refer to the Legacy Control Center guide, which preserves documentation for Control Center features that have been changed by the update.

Which version do I have?

The simplest way to tell if you're using the updated Control Center is to refer to the application's sign-on screen. The updated sign-on screen features the Pismo logo and has the fields Username and Password.

Legacy sign-on screen Updated sign-on screen
Legacy login screen with fields Email and Password Updated login screen featuring the Pismo logo and the fields Username and Password