Manage programs

Control Center enables you to create and manage programs on the Pismo platform.

Program types

A program's type defines the types of account it manages (such as credit, debit, and prepaid accounts). Programs have configurable parameters that manage how the program is set up and how it behaves. For more information about program parameters, see Program parameters reference table.

Debit programs

Debit programs manage debit accounts (where funds for the purchase amount are removed from your account immediately). These programs may include the issuance of a debit card.

There are two types of debit program:

  • Full balance: Account balances are managed entirely by Pismo.

  • Zero balance: Account balances are managed by the issuer.

Credit programs

Credit programs manage revolving credit accounts (where funds for the purchase amount are charged to a line of credit). These programs require the issuance of a credit card.

Credit is the only program type that requires transaction categories. When a transaction type is registered, it must have an associated category. For example:

"programs_transactions_types": [  
      "transaction_type_id": 101,  
      "transaction_category": "Retail purchase",  
      "description": "Total purchase price"  

There are two types of credit program:

  • Full balance: Credit balances are managed entirely by Pismo.

  • Zero balance: Credit balances are managed by the issuer.

Prepaid programs

Prepaid programs manage card balances that are not linked to a financial account (such as gift cards).

There are two types of prepaid program:

  • Full balance: Balances are managed entirely by Pismo.

  • Zero balance: Balances are managed by the issuer.

Transaction banking programs

Transaction banking programs manage demand and deposit accounts (DDAs), which offer immediate access to funds and are typically operated by financial professionals on behalf of a client company through an online banking interface. These are similar to debit programs, except that there are more options for transaction posting, such as earmarking, posting in suspense, and time-displaced transactions.

For more information, see Transaction banking overview

Merchant programs

Merchant programs manage a seller's commercial accounts. They enable a merchant to register and parameterize their products, rates/fees, home bank, and so on.

For more information, see Seller management overview.

Adding programs

There are two ways to add a program using Control Center:

  • Based on a standard template, with minimal predefined details and settings.

  • Based on a copy of an existing program, using the same details and settings.


Control Center provides a template for the following program types:

  • Credit Full Balance

  • Credit Zero Balance

  • Debit Full Balance

  • Debit Zero Balance

  • Prepaid Full Balance

  • Prepaid Zero Balance

Adding a program from a template

To add a program from a template:

  1. On the main menu, click Organization > Programs.

  2. On the Programs screen, click Create program.

Screen capture of the Programs section of the Control Center.
  1. Select the type of program, and then click Next.
Screen capture of the Programs section of the Control Center.
  1. Enter program details, such as: name, BIN and range, and time zone.
Screen capture of the Programs section of the Control Center.
  1. Click Next.

  2. Review program information for accuracy and then click Finish.

  3. On the Validate Program Details page, click the Confirm button.


The program remains in Pending status until all the steps of the process are completed.

Adding a program by copying an existing program

To add a program based on an existing program you must first download a local copy of the program that you want to use. For more information, see Downloading and uploading programs.

Downloading and uploading programs

Control Center enables you to migrate programs between environments — for example, from a test environment to a production environment. You can download either an individual program or several programs at a time (as a ZIP file that contains multiple JSON files).

Downloading a program saves a JSON file to your computer. Using a text editor, you then can modify the program's configuration before uploading it to another org. For more information about program parameters, see Program parameters reference.


The download/upload function currently supports only the debit, credit, and prepaid program types (both full balance and zero balance).

You can download and download one or more programs at a time. Multiple programs download as a ZIP file that contains multiple JSON files.

Download programs


You can download up to 10 files at a time.

To download programs:

  1. On the main menu, click Setup > Download and upload programs.

  2. On the Download and upload programs screen, click the Download programs button.

  3. On the Download programs screen, select the check box for each program you want to download.

Screen capture of the Programs section of the Control Center.
  1. Click Download selected programs.
  2. In the Download program dialog, click Download.

Upload programs

To upload a program, you must use a JSON file that was generated by downloading a Pismo program. The upload process validates the file and displays an error message if it encounters a problem.


If the JSON file that you want to upload contains a transaction_category field whose value is null, the program transaction type is not uploaded. As a result, the value of the applicable_charges field will be empty. In such cases, you should update the program and then try the download again.

To upload programs:

  1. On the main menu, click Setup > Download and upload programs.

  2. On the Download and upload programs screen, click the Upload programs button.

  3. In the Upload program dialog, click Choose file button to select a local JSON file to upload.

Screen capture of the Programs section of the Control Center.
  1. (Optional) Override the program name taken from the file in the Program name field.

  2. Click Upload.

View program download and upload status

To view program download and upload status:

  1. On the main menu, click Setup > Download and upload programs.

  2. Click the Downloaded or Uploaded tabs to find the type of operation that you are interested in.


If a download or upload operation is pending, Processing displays in the Status column.

If an operation displays an Error status, click its View icon in the Actions column to see a detailed error description.