Managing disputes

Preserve for internal reference only!

The purpose of a dispute is to cancel a transaction and refund the disputed amount to the cardholder. For more information, see Disputes overview.


Access profile

In your access profile, you must have CRM-Operator access to see the CRM menu and Backoffice-Operator access to see the Backoffice menu.

Create a dispute

  1. In the sidebar, click CRM and then search for a customer and a transaction.
  1. View the details of a specific transaction.
  1. Click Request Dispute.
  1. Click a dispute reason.
  1. Click Send.

The dispute is opened and sent to the card network.

Get disputes

  1. In the sidebar, click Backoffice.
  2. On the results page, use the date and status fields to filter the results as needed to identify the specific dispute you want.
  1. Click a result to view details of a specific dispute.

Update dispute status (and attach a file)

  1. In the sidebar, click Backoffice.
  2. Click a result to view details of a specific dispute.
  3. Click Fraud report.
  1. To update the status of the dispute, click the status menu and choose a value.
  2. To attach a file (such as a receipt or other relevant evidence), click the paperclip icon.