Save program due date

Save a program due date. Day must be between 1 and 28.
(Note: Due date is required for credit full-balance program types.)

When you execute this endpoint, the Pismo platform first checks to see if the specified due date already exists. If it finds an existing due date with the same values for day and grace_period_days, it considers this a match and determines that the specified due date already exists. In this case, there are two possibilities.

  • If active has the same value in both the existing due date and the request, the request does nothing.
  • If active has a different value in the request, the value of active in the existing due date is updated accordingly. In other words, you can use this endpoint to activate or deactivate an existing due date. Note:The preferred way of updating existing due dates is to use the Update program due date endpoint.

If the platform does not find a match, then it creates a new due date. (Note: This means that you could end up with two due dates that have the same value for day,
but different values for grace_period_days.)

Account JWT
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