Schedule transfer(s) V2 [beta]

Schedule a Pix-out transfer or Pix-out recurring transfers.

This endpoint gives you more scheduling options than the version 1 Schedule transfer endpoint. These include additional options (scheduler_details object) for recurring transfers.

As with the Pix-out transfer endpoint, if you are using a key or QR code, you need to call Validate DICT key or Get and validate QR code before calling this endpoint. You need to enter the end_to_end_id returned from those calls here. If you are not using a key or QR code, this endpoint generates and returns an end_to_end_id value you can use in other endpoints.

The end_to_end_id field is a Brazil Central Bank (BCB) requirement to track Pix transactions. Basically, there are two steps to a Pix transaction: 1. Initialize a transaction and 2. Confirm a transaction. The end_to_end_id is sent to the BCB in both steps in order to identify all transaction information.

This endpoint directly generates an Instant pay scheduler status changed event.

To create a recurring payment, set type = RECURRING and pass a value for cycle. This property has 2 attributes and should be set as shown in the sample table below:

cycle.typecycle.countNew transaction created every:
DAILY55 days
WEEKLY22 weeks
MONTHLY11 month
MONTHLY22 months
YEARLY11 year


  • WEEKLY sets the start_date weekday. For a scheduler with start_date = Thursday, the next transaction is always on a Thursday.

  • MONTHLY / YEARLY sets the start_date day. For a scheduler with start_date = 2024-10-12, the next transaction is always created on day 12 of each cycle count. Now, for days 29, 30 and 31, the scheduler uses the previous month's last day when that day doesn't exist in the current month. For example, considering a scheduler starting at 2024-01-30, the next transaction is created on 2024-02-29.


For more information, refer to the Pix instant payments guide.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!