Reset card ATC

Reset card ATC (Application Transaction Counter) in case of sync failure between what is saved in a card's memory and the incremented data. The ATC is a counter, maintained by the chip card application (incremented by the chip), that provides a sequential reference to each transaction. A duplicate ATC, a decrease in ATC, or a large jump in ATC values may indicate data copying or other fraud. For more information on how Pismo processes ATCs, refer to the Application Transaction Counter (ATC) guide article.


  • ATC reset only occurs on the Pismo platform. When a new transaction occurs, the ATC is synchronized with the chip's ATC.
  • This endpoint takes an account token - an access token encoded with a Pismo account ID. For combo cards, whether the debit or credit ATC is reset depends on which account ID (credit or debit) is encoded with the access token.
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