List program parameters with localization

Retrieves a paginated list of programs with localization parameters. The information returned for each program parameter conains a translation object with additional language-specific information for each parameter. Use the language query parameter to set what language you want translation to use. The possible values are en-us for United States English or pt-br for Brazilian Portuguese.

For example, suppose you execute the endpoint with language set to pt-br, and the program ID is 13797216. The endpoint should return a result similar to the following.

"pages": 7,
"current_page": 1,
"per_page": 10,
"total_items": 61,
"items": [
"id": 13797216,
"parameter_id": 15,
"category": "CREDITO",
"type": "DECIMAL",
"value": 99999999,
"valid_from": "2019-10-29 19:50:39",
"valid_until": null,
"account_parameter": true,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"required": "REQUIRED",
"update_date": null,
"legacy": false,
"translation": {
"name": "Valor máximo de limite de crédito",
"description": "Define o valor máximo de limite de crédito por cliente nesse programa (Valor padrão: 1000,00). Como funciona: O limite de crédito global é usado para limitar o valor máximo que uma conta do tipo crédito pode receber. É obrigatório para programas de crédito, do contrário o limite máximo se mantém 0.",
"details": null,
"language": "pt-br"

If you executed the same request with language set to en-us, the information inside the translation object would be in English.

For information about programs, refer to Core objects.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!