Force operation

Force a credit or debit operation in the specified account using the account_id, the processing_code, and the amount provided.
This operation directly impacts the balance but does not perform any of the validations that are done in the Transfer funds endpoint, such as validating the account status, account balance, and flex controls.

This endpoint generates an authorization-event-1 event with authorization > type "FORCE".

For additional information, see the Force operation guide.

Forced credit example

Assuming that processing_code "090907" is defined as credit type, the following payload executes a forced credit operation:

  "amount": 12.34,
  "account_id": 2417,
  "processing_code": "090907",
  "descriptor": "Cashback credit",
  "original_authorization": {
    "id": 123,
    "type": "PLATFORM"
  "metadata": {
    "my-custom-key": "my-custom-info"
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