Upload bulk file

This endpoint allows you to manage the upload of bulk files along with their corresponding signature data in the request header. Upon receiving the request, the server responds with a 307 Temporary Redirect status, indicating that the client must forward the request, including the body, to a pre-signed URL to finalize the upload.

Detailed flow:

  1. The client sends a request with the bulk file as the body and signature in the
    Signature header. The signature header is formatted as keyId="{key_id}",signature="{signature_base64}". The parameters key_id and signature_base64 are specified in the parameters section.
  2. The server processes the request and responds with 307 Temporary Redirect instructing the client to forward the request to a pre-signed URL provided in the Location header.
  3. The client must be able to handle 307 responses and automatically resend the request to the pre-signed URL specified in the Location header.

Note: Pismo reserves the right to offer this endpoint only for single-tenant clients, reach out to your Pismo representative for more information.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!