Transfer account to different program

Change the program ID for an account. This also changes the program ID for customers and statements associated with the account. Note that the account keeps the original program's flex controls and ignores the new program's flex controls.

Transfer is permitted only if both programs (origin and target) have the same:

  • Program type—For example, you can migrate from credit to credit and from prepaid to prepaid, but not credit to prepaid.
  • Currency—For example, USD to USD only or BRL to BRL only.
  • Brand (if applicable)—For example, Mastercard to Mastercard.
  • Due date (credit programs only)—Account due date must be available in the target program.

Note: When an account is transferred successfully, you need to issue a new card that corresponds to the new program for your customers.

This endpoint generates an Account migrated to different program event.

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