Create Pix key (deprecated)

This endpoint is DEPRECATED. Use the Create DICT key entry endpoint instead.

Create a Pix key.

A Pix key is a term associated with Brazil's Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) Instant Payment system, known as Pix.

A Pix key is a unique identifier linked to a bank account that allows a user to receive payments without the need to share bank account details, such as their account number and branch code, which are traditionally required for transfers. The Pix key can be based on user information like an email address or mobile phone number.

The BCB maintains Pix keys in the Diretório de Identificadores de Contas Transacionais (DICT), a national Pix key registry and database.

Individual users can have up to five keys for each account they own. Institutional users can have up to 20 keys. Each key must be associated with only one bank account.

This endpoint generates a Pix key status changed event.

For more information, see the Pix instant payments guide.

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