7 March 2025
Changes between 7 February and 7 March 2025
Core platform - Orgs operation
The new Platform setup - Orgs operation API is now available. This API introduces enhanced endpoints for creating and managing processing codes and reversal processing codes. Endpoints with the same name in the Core platform - Payments configurations API, Processing codes section, are now deprecated, as listed in the deprecation schedule.
The new Orgs operation API simplifies internal automatic creation of transaction types through the created processing codes. The new processing code structure reduces the risk of financial penalties. Previous structure was very manual, and if a person incorrectly configured a balance impact, it generated a higher-level incident that could be subject to financial penalties.
Integrated payments - eBill feature
The new eBill feature is now available. This feature offers an electronic view of bank slips linked to the customer’s document number, simplifying bill payment process. Customers can pay bank slips via internet banking or a banking app. The following endpoints were created for this feature.
- Register eBill for registering document number with the eBill service.
- Get eBill registration for retrieving eBill registration information.
- Delete eBill registration for deleting eBill registration if customers no longer wish to use this feature.
Data and reporting - Regulatory scheduled reports
Pismo now has the capability to generate scheduled reports in a format required by regulatory entities such as central banks and government agencies. The new Regulatory scheduled reports section includes the following new guides.
The guides for the individual scheduled reports are now under the Base scheduled reports section.
Resources - Control Center
Multi-account management
The account management feature in Pismo Control Center was redesigned to improve the user experience.
- Account search results now show all accounts held or used by a customer. Select any account to easily switch among different customer accounts directly from anywhere in the feature.
- A breadcrumb trail helps you understand your current location within an account.
- New Account configurations and Actions menus provide access to customer information and account operations.
This feature is being introduced to all environments during March 2025.
Control Center now has a Notifications icon at the top of all screens. Notifications keep you informed about asynchronous processes (such as program creation status updates), error messages, and other announcements.
Security improvements to Pismo Control Center have changed how new users register their accounts. Instead of a link, they receive two separate emails. User administrators are now able to resend these emails to any user who has not responded. In addition, the requirements for creating a Control Center password are more robust. This feature is being introduced to all environments during March and April 2025.
Organization access
The organization name that displays on all Control Center screens now enables you to quickly access any of the other organizations you belong to, without having to sign off and then back on again with a different user ID. Simply select the organization name and choose one of the available organizations..
The printed_name
field was deprecated in the Accounts API endpoints. This field can be set during card operations.
The Endpoints that require an external account ID-specific token guide was updated with the most current list and endpoint links.
Flexible transaction controls
In the Flexible transaction controls guide, introduction was updated to indicate that Pismo Control Center can be used for managing program-level flex controls.
In the Flexible transaction controls API, descriptions for the max_limit
and max_amount
fields were updated to correctly display calculations for the number of decimal places.
In the Get account flex control endpoint, the deny_code
response field was added.
In the Migrate transactions endpoint, documentation was added for the new migration.type
request field. Also a link was added to the new Instant payment transaction migration completed event (generated when migration.type
The new Cancel installments payment endpoint is now available.
In the Transfer funds endpoint, added example code in the 400 response for "Flex controls evaluation results" .
In the Hold funds guide, the event names were updated.
As a critical aspect of cybersecurity, the Control Center has implemented a strong list of password requirements. A new security guide was created to define and explain Best practices for Control Center passwords.
The Basic authentication with client credentials guide was updated to correctly reference the server_secret
key instead of the previously incorrect reference to secret_key
The “Processing codes and transaction types” guide was rewritten and split into two guides:
- The Processing codes lists the standard processing codes and standard reversal processing codes that are granted to every new organization.
- The Transaction types lists the standard processing code to transaction types mapping for transaction flows.
The Divisions API, which was previously undocumented, is now documented. A new header and section - Admin divisions transaction banking - were added for V2 transaction banking endpoints.
In the Create holiday endpoint, the next_business_date parameter
was renamed to working_date
Added "Percentage for calculating the minimum payment amount" program parameter to Program parameters. It was in the Pismo Control Center, but missing from the guide.
The new Modify a service request guide documents the following:
- A Cancel button displays on the portal so that clients can cancel a request at any time.
- After 30 minutes, for incident requests that are Unclassified or classified as P1 or P2, an Escalate button displays on the portal so that clients can escalate the ticket.
- In the Incident resolution process section, the incident request status In Dev was changed to In Progress.
The AWS event file configuration tutorial was updated to include a sample code block for sharing the shell script validate-s3-integration.sh. This is a temporary solution until a permanent solution is developed in the future.
Interest management
Updated many of the event descriptions for Interest management to correct some of them and improve others.
Transaction banking
In the following endpoints, the 409 conflict error was added to indicate that a duplicate tracking or earmark ID is already in use: "This error occurs when the client sends a duplicate tracking ID that is either already in use by another account, or by the same account with a different earmark ID than the one used in the original payment."
In the Create transaction bank account endpoint, the new account_creation_datetime
field indicates when the account was created.
The "Operations blocked for account" error message was added to the following endpoints. This error is issued when an account involved in the transaction has an active operation block for the account's division, program, or org. For more details, refer to Create operation block.
The Manage account statuses guide was updated with additional information on how dormancy configuration impacts transaction banking account statuses.
A supplementary note was added in the following documentation. The note states that if no timezone is specified for a division, the division inherits its timezone from its parent. However, if there is no timezone specified in the parent, Pismo defaults to using UTC for the division.
- In Step 3 - Add divisions in the Getting started with demand deposit accounts (DDAs) guide.
- In the
field of the Create division endpoint.
Card network integration
A change was made to field 126, subfield 10 of Visa's Authorization message. Previously, all data from field 126 was blocked. Now, subfield 10 presents as:
"f126_visa_private_use_fields": {
sf10_cvv2_authorization_request_data: ""
Considering only position 1 of this field, the only possible values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 9 per the VisaNet Authorization-Only Online Messages guide, page 737. This change is reflected in the Visa iso8583 message event example in the Authorization events guide.
The denial code for ELO for Account blocked (CND) was changed from 57 to 62. This change is reflected in the Validation codes for authorization events guide and in the Rule list guide.
There is a new Troubleshooting embossing errors section in the Physical card embossing guide.
The Get card embossing history endpoint documentation was updated to include a “204 - No content. Card has no embossing history” HTTP response.
Network transactions
The example for the replacement_amount
parameter within the Card network authorization return sent event was updated to reflect a correct example.
The new Revolving credit - Calendar management API is now available. Currently, only one calendar management strategy is available: FIXED_CYCLE_CLOSING
The following new program parameters are now available and documented in the Multivalue program parameters guide.
Note that the first two are actually single value parameters, but they are used in conjunction with the two multivalue parameters, so they are documented on the Multivalue program parameter page for convenience.
The Credit liquidation guide was updated to correctly reflect the default for the Number of days to block the account for unpaid statement
parameter is “10”.
The description of Accruals in the Understanding statements guide was updated for clarity and the second diagram in this section was updated to correct a few mistakes in the legend.
The Calendars and holidays in credit card accounts guide was moved from Core banking to Card issuing > Understanding statements.
The Setting up holidays within administrative divisions and Linking administrative divisions section now include a warning note about associating the account with the division.
The descriptions of the following fields in the Create payment agreement endpoint were updated to indicate that no more than 2 digits should follow the decimal point.
In Program parameters, the description for Due date exchange control
was updated. The line “Valid only if STANDARD CALENDAR SELECTION = false” was removed, because the STANDARD CALENDAR SELECTION is no longer used.
In the Create payment agreement endpoint documentation, a note was added to the definition of the installments
body parameter.
The description of the Change due date endpoint was updated.
The Calculating interest accruals guide was updated to introduce the topic, remove duplicate information, and link to Setting transaction types to block accrual charges for more details and some additional information.
The Managing due date, cycle closing date, and grace period guide was rewritten to correct some errors and improve the clarity.
The following updates were made in statements documentation.
- Changed guide title from “Configuring transaction types to not accrue charges” to Setting transaction types to block accrual charges, which more accurately describes the contents, and updated text for clarity.
- Changed section title from “Configuring transactions not used when calculating interest accruals” to Setting transaction types to block accrual charges and updated the label of the link in that section.
- Changed section title from “Balance program parameters” to Additional program parameters for interest accruals and modified the introductory text.
- In the table in Additional program parameters for interest accruals, removed the “Minimo boleto” entry, since it is explained in an earlier section, and updated the "Stop accrual # of days" program parameter with the correct name (it was previously listed incorrectly as "Stop accrual (days)").
In How the program discharges transactions, the “Payment hierarchy” section was updated.
The Understanding statements was updated to say "minimum amount due (MAD)" or "MAD" instead of "minimum amount".
Description of the minimum_value
field was updated in Create transaction category and Update transaction category interest endpoints.
Several new examples were added to the “Examples” section of Overdue tolerance.
Control Center
In Control Center, the program creation flow was redesigned to provide an improved user experience.
- Importing and exporting programs is now consolidated in the Programs area.
- Program download is now available on the exported program’s details page.
- Added new option to clone a program within the current environment.
is disabled for a program, Control Center now displays an indicator on the list of flex controls and on the flex control details screen.
Two new fields are now available for setting up flex controls: response_code
and custom_code
. These enable you to have customized information for denied authorizations. To configure these fields, you must open a service request.
The Access profiles and roles guide was updated to replace outdated information and to add the Collections analyst role.