3 May 2024

Changes between 5 April and 3 May 2024



In the Create customer endpoint, added explanation when the customer is counted in the limit of maximum number of account card holders and a related new error message when the maximum number of additional customers is exceeded.


The new external_id field is now available in the following endpoints.

Flex controls


The new section Progressive update has been added to the Flexible transaction controls guide.


In the Create customer flex control endpoint, updated field description for the type field to fully explain all available flex control scope options.



In the Migrate authorizations endpoint, added documentation for the required cardholder_currency_code field and improved field descriptions.



In the Authorization validation rules for platform operations guide, added tables with available response codes and denial codes and updated entries throughout.


In the request of the Force operation endpoint, added the original_authorization field.


In the Platform authorization created event, added documentation for the tid field and standardized field descriptions.


In the Authorization created event, added the original_authorization field and removed the original_authorization_id field.


On 4 November 2024, Pismo will deprecate the adjustments endpoints. For information about relevant dates, see Deprecation schedule. For any new deployments, use the force operation endpoints instead. For more information, see the Force operation guide.



Updated the Platform setup - Holidays guide to better explain the purpose of the external_id and external_id_reference fields.



Updated the [Tracking Service Desk tickets guide to reflect that a service desk ticket receives a New status when first created. Also, the In Dev status no longer applies to Question type service tickets.



The new correlated_authorization_id field was added to the authorization object in the Transaction created and Transaction updated events and in the response for the List transactions and Get transaction endpoints.

Card network integration


The Fetch authorization configuration rule name PROGRAM_CONFIG has been changed to PLATFORM_CONFIG.


The additional_data description and payload have been updated for Available limits validation, Valid card validation, Card expiration date validation, Card valid until validation, and Max transaction amount validation.



The new Visa collaboration questionnaire guide has been added for Visa disputes. This doc contains two tables detailing information about fields users need to fill out for Processing Errors disputes (reason 12) and Consumer disputes (reason 13). The questionnaire fields in the Create dispute form endpoint have been updated to align with these tables, some fields have been added and others removed. Descriptions for these fields in the endpoint have been removed, users should now refer to the longer descriptions and information in the new guide.



Two sections have been added to the Configuring accrual rates guide: Fixed late payment fees and Validation for configuring accruals.

Instant payments


In the Pix-out transfer endpoint, the new metadata field has been added as an optional parameter. This field allows callers to add custom information to the transfer in the form of key-value pairs. The object size can be up to 3000 bytes.

Interest management


The new Interest-bearing accounts guide is now available.

Transaction banking


The new Post float cash-in and Settle float cash-in endpoints are now available for adding and settling float payments.


In the following endpoints, reactivation_with_last_restriction is no longer a required field. Also, the new field deny_forced_transaction_reactivation has been added to indicate whether an account under that dormancy configuration should be reactivated when a forced transaction is made to that account.


In the Update transaction banking account status endpoint, added the following 400 error codes.

  • WCAC0034: Account status is specified in account's dormancy config
  • WCAC0035: Account is in final status
  • WCAC0036: Status cannot be final

In the Rollback transaction banking account status endpoint, added the following 400 error codes.

  • WCAC0034: Account status is specified in account's dormancy config
  • WCAC0036: Status cannot be final
  • WCAC0037: Account is not in final status

In the Create earmark and Update earmark endpoints, added the following 400 error code.

  • WEAM0015: the amount cannot have more than two decimal places


In the following endpoints, added a note in the status field in to say that the status cannot be final or be a status configured in dormancy configuration for that account.

  • Update transaction banking account status
  • Rollback transaction banking account status


In the Post payment endpoint, removed the following error code.

  • WPMT0014: Action not permitted on a closed account


The following endpoints are being deprecated and replaced by new versions. For details, see Transaction banking endpoint deprecation.

  • Post payment
  • Post multi-leg payment
  • Get multi-leg payment status
  • Schedule payment
  • List scheduled payments
  • Get scheduled payment by ID
  • Cancel scheduled payment


Image in the Dormancy inheritance section of the Dormancy overview guide has been updated.



Updated the Marketplace API for documentation standards.


In the Create merchants relationships endpoint, added missing prompt to the request body.



The Merchants terminal created (merchants_terminal_created-1) and Merchants terminal updated (merchants_terminal_updated-1) events were removed from the Events Reference and were replaced by the following events.


In the Seller management overview guide, updated both diagrams.


In the Create advancement request endpoint, added deprecated tag to the notify field.

Control Center


In Pismo Control Center, the capabilities for managing processing codes and transaction types have been expanded.


The Setup advanced viewer role has been added to Pismo Control Center.


The Log in to Pismo Control Center guide has been updated with information about expiration periods for one-time authentication codes and hyperlinks.


In Pismo Control Center, documented where to find your session ID when communicating with Pismo Support.