7 February 2025

Changes between 3 January and 7 February 2025



The new Get account buckets endpoint is now available.



In the Transfer account to different program endpoint, introduction was updated to clarify that the account keeps the flex controls of the original program.


In the Account status guide, instructions about rolling back an account status were streamlined.


The date format of the birth_date field was corrected in the following endpoints.


The Accounts API reference documentation was updated for standards such as updated event names.


In the Create account application endpoint, the descriptions for account, personal, and company were updated to correctly represent the entity’s external ID.

Client webhooks


The following changes were made in the anti-fraud payload for full balance clients only.

  • The two new required request fields card_mode_type and pin_validated were added.
  • The options list for request field card_status was updated to include more options.
  • The new optional response field merchant_denial_code was added.

The new request and response fields are defined in the Client webhooks guide.

Flexible transaction controls


In the Update customer flex control endpoint, documentation was updated to note that the current_spend_limit field is internal.


The Flexible transaction controls guide was updated for clarity.



The new Migrate accounts (v2) endpoint is now available. It relocates the address and phone fields to outside the applicant.personal object. The Migrate accounts (v1) endpoint remains available to support existing implementations.


The new Fee model migration endpoint is now available. This endpoint generates two new events: Fee model account migration started and Fee Model account migration completed.


The Authorization migration completed event was updated to include a number of missing fields.


The Migrate transaction endpoint was updated to add the field instant_payment_data.internal_transaction. This is a boolean that, if true, means the credit and debit transactions for an instant payment both happened within the same organization.



In the Block amount endpoint, the new skip_status_account_validation field is now available.


In the Create pre-schedule [beta] endpoint, the error 409 was replaced with error 200.


In the Create installments payment endpoint, the pattern for first_installment_date was added to the field’s description.



The Generate your JSON Web Token (JWT) section of the Authentication with OpenID guide was updated to indicate where users can find the list of valid groups. A reference and link to the View API permission groups was also added for clarification.


The Identity connectivity with mTLS guide was updated to include a list of details that need to be provided to Pismo before mTLS can be issued.


Due to Postman warning issues, token examples were removed from the Get OpenID access token endpoint documentation.



The new Program types guide is now available.


In the Programs API reference documentation, the explanation of due_dates was improved to explain that this is an array defined in the program configuration. The accounts in the program specify the ID of which available due date to use.


The Holidays API reference documentation was rewritten and updated for clarity. The following endpoints were renamed to better reflect their functionality.


The Pismo operations status guide was updated. Customers now must request access to the Operations Status page from their Pismo representative.



To meet ISO 4217 standards, every instance of the currency field description was updated and new currency field was added to the tax object in the Transactions API.


The Create transaction type endpoint documentation now links to Standard processing codes.



In the Account balance changed event, the fields currency_code and currency_numeric_code were added.


The Interest plan creation succeeded event is now Interest plan created.


The Transaction created event and the links in Core platform - Transactions were standardized.

Banking as a Service


A legal disclaimer was added to both the Banking as a Service (BaaS) section in the Banking overview and the Banking as a Service guide. This disclaimer clarifies that Pismo only provides the technology and collaborates with partners to provide BaaS services to customers.

Instant payments


The following new endpoints are now available in the Pix payments API.

Transaction banking


In the Update dormancy configuration endpoint, the path parameter externalAccountId was changed to dormancyConfigId.


In the Post payment endpoint, the following changes were made.

  • New 400 error codes were added:
    • WPMT0044: Back business dating is disabled. This error occurs when the back business payment feature is disabled through the Past business date toggle endpoint.
    • WPMT0051: Operation not allowed by reason: <reason>. This error indicates the post payment is not allowed by the status reason provided.
  • The status reasons for force_post in the request and response payloads were updated. Previously, the status reasons in the request and response bodies were:
    • CREDIT ONLY — No force debit allowed
    • DEBIT ONLY — No force credit allowed
    • ANY — No force allowed
    • MANUAL — No force allowed
  • The new status reasons are:


In the Post multi-leg payment endpoint, the following changes were made.

  • New 400 errors were added:
    • WMLP0005: Validation error: one or more legs did not pass validation. This error is related to back business dating.
    • WMLP1037: Debit not allowed by reason - <reason>. This error occurs when the debit transaction is not allowed by the status reason clients provided.
    • WMLP1038: Credit not allowed by reason - <reason>. This error occurs when the credit transaction is not allowed by the status reason clients provided.
  • The status reasons for force_post for the debit object in the request and response payloads were updated. Previously, the status reasons in the request and response bodies were:
    • CREDIT ONLY — No force debit allowed
    • DEBIT ONLY — No force credit allowed
    • ANY — No force allowed
    • MANUAL — No force allowed
  • The new status reasons are:
  • For force_post in the credit object, the status reasons used to be:
    • CREDIT ONLY — No force debit allowed
    • DEBIT ONLY — No force credit allowed
    • ANY — No force allowed
    • MANUAL — No force allowed
  • Now they are:


The following guides are now available.


The Bulk file-based payment processing guide now includes a table of common error messages output by the response file.



The Authorization configurations API was updated to include DELETE endpoints.


Two new guides are available for working with the Authorization configurations API. The new guide Authorization configurations gives details on the required parameters for Full balance and Zero balance. The new guide Run the configuration requests provides sample code and examples of how to use the various API requests.


Field descriptions in the Authorization API reference documentation were updated for clarity and completeness and to include default values for all boolean fields.


The Simulate authorization endpoint was updated to properly indicate all required parameter fields.


The API reference guide for Card issuing - Authorizations (network-transactions-api) was updated to include default values for all Boolean fields and to include revised descriptions for clarity.

Card network integration


The custom authorization validation code for UBN (NFC disabled) was changed from 57 to 78 for Visa and from FM to 78 for ELO. This change, and all validation codes, can be found in the Validation codes for authorization events guide.


The Simulate authorizations guide was updated to include a note for considerations when using processing codes.


Definitions for custom validation codes BII (Balance inquiry internal error), IZA (Zero amount not allowed), and ZBD (Zero balance client declined) were added to the Validation codes definitions guide.


Custom validation codes for ELO were added to all validation tables in the Rule list guide. In addition, corrections were made to the following codes in the Rule list guide to ensure accuracy: 988 (Visa), BNW (Visa), FRE (RuPay), FRN (Visa), LAE (Visa), OP1 (Visa), PCE (Visa), TSM (TecBan), and UBT (Visa and Mastercard).


The authorization validation rules Account number inquiry (ANI) and Address verification service (AVS) were added to the Authorization validation rules for card network operations guide and to the Rule list guide.



Customers who work with ondemand embossing can now emboss cards with NORMAL, BLOCKED, PENDING, WARNING status, in addition to CREATED.

Network transactions


The description for the cvv_present field in the Network authorization received event was updated for clarification to specify that the field is looking at the CVV2 code. This change clarifies that the boolean flag only considers CVV2 validation. To validate the presence of CVV1 using this endpoint, consider using the track1_present and track2_present attributes.



The following new guides are now available.


The description of the Save program due date endpoint was updated to clarify its behavior.


Made various changes to the Statements API to bring it up to Pismo standards, such as specifying the default values for parameters and clarifying parameter descriptions. Updated some endpoint descriptions. Moved endpoints dealing with transaction categories into their own section called “Transaction categories”. Similarly, moved endpoints for transaction types into “Transaction types”.


In the Create a statement agreement guide, items 6 and 7 were added to the numbered bullet point list.


In the Update interest accrual statuses endpoint, SETTLED was added to the list of possible values for the new_status field, which is a property of the objects in the accruals array in the body of the request.


A diagram was added to the Calendars and holidays in credit card accounts guide and the paragraph above the diagram was updated to refer to it.


In the Minimum amount due calculation guide, corrected Over-limit amount in Strategy 2 examples > Second example > Cycle 3 statement. It used to be $322.50. The correct value is $304.50.

Pismo Control Center


In Control Center, the program creation flow was redesigned to provide better user experience.


Notification emails from Pismo now come from the domains @notify.pismo.io and @notify.pismolabs.io. Please take any necessary steps to ensure proper email receipt.