6 April 2023

AccountsCardsCorporate bankingDisputesDocumentationEventsFlex controlsPaymentsStatementsTransactions


πŸ“Related accounts

You can now see balances and limits of all related accounts with a single call to the new Get related accounts endpoint. Given a parent account ID, this endpoint provides an overview of all related accounts within the same Org, with up to two levels of child accounts. The endpoint returns balances and limits of both the parent account and its active child and grandchild accounts.

See the new Related accounts guide for more information.

πŸ“Hold funds processing code option

When creating a processing code, you can now set the new operation_type parameter to HOLD_FUNDS if the processing code is going to be used to hold funds on the account. By default, this value is NORMAL for all other types of processing codes.

See Create or update processing code for more information.

πŸ“List card status history

A new List card status history endpoint allows you to get a list of a card's status history.

πŸ“Transaction origin

The transaction creation-1 and update-1 events now have an origin field which indicates origin of the transaction. Default value is null, which means that the transaction originated from the Pismo platform. Other values indicate that the transaction came from another platform and was then migrated to the Pismo platform.

πŸ“Accounting script creation

When you create a transaction type, the Pismo platform now automatically creates corresponding accounting scripts. The platform performs the following steps:

  1. Creates the transaction type.
  2. Creates the entry type for accounting.
  3. Creates the accounting scripts for all the client's programs with the default accounting accounts.

In the simple purchase example, the platform creates the following corresponding transaction type, entry types, and accounting scripts:

Transaction type:9999Simple purchase
Entry type:9999Simple purchase creation
Entry type:89999Simple purchase due date
Accounting script:9999Debit accounting account = 0
Accounting script:9999Credit accounting account = 0
Accounting script:89999Debit accounting account = 0
Accounting script:89999Credit accounting account = 0

πŸ“Due date field

Updated Developer's Portal with required due_date field for credit full-balance program types. This attribute is optional for all other program types.

πŸ“Cancel fees field

New cancel_fees field is now available on the Cancel transfer and Cancel forced operation endpoints. It allows you to indicate whether to cancel associated fees when canceling an operation.

Updates and fixes

The Transfer held amount endpoint now generate a change_available-1 event.

πŸ“Legacy program details fields

Updated the Get program details endpoint to correctly indicate legacy response fields.

πŸ“Description correction of transaction type event

Corrected description of the transaction type creation-1 event.


πŸ“Edit Org parameters

The new Editing Org parameters guide explains how to edit certain Org parameters in the Pismo Console.

πŸ“Retail banking guide

The new Bill Payments guide in Retail banking explores the boleto instant payment system in Brazil.

πŸ“Corporate banking data events

The new Corporate banking data events guide in Corporate banking incorporates the recently updated endpoints where possible to streamline the developer experience.

πŸ“Assets API reference

Added Assets endpoints to the API reference.

πŸ“Seller management API reference

Updated marketplace endpoints in API reference to bring it into line with new standards. Changed the name to Seller management. Made some changes mostly in descriptions.

πŸ“Loans documentation

πŸ“Authorization documentation

The Simulate authorizations guide has been rewritten and updated with more information. Authorization endpoints have been renamed to more accurately reflect their intended purposes:

  • Send transactions evaluation info > Full balance anti-fraud request
  • Create card issuer authorization request > Zero balance anti-fraud and validations request

In Validation codes for authorization events, made the following updates:

  • Added the CPE code.
  • Changed the TecBan denial code for β€œPassword tries exceeded” from 75 to 38.

πŸ“Report updates

Published Transactions IOF report files.

Two fields have been added to the documentation for CADOC 3050 report files:

  • EntityType_ID - Indicates if individual or business
  • DocumentNumber - Brazilian individual or business tax number

One new field has been added to the documentation for CADOC 3040 report files:

  • Income - Monthly salary (for individual) or annual revenue (business)

πŸ“Accounts API

Updated and reorganized Accounts API to be in line with standards, corrected several examples.

πŸ“Accounting API

Updated and reorganized Accounting API to be in line with standards.

πŸ“Change card password note

A note has been added to the two change card password endpoints (Change card password and Update PIN from PINBlock):

Note: This does not change the password recorded on an embossed card's chip. If the card is configured for offline password verification, you need to change the password on the physical card. To do that, you can use a card script.

πŸ“Transactions ISS report correction

Corrected the subfolder path in the Transactions ISS report files guide.

πŸ“Hold funds account status

In the Hold funds guide, added clarification that account must be in active NORMAL status and the program must be of the debit type.