7 June 2024

Changes between 3 May and 7 June 2024



The new Find accounts by phone endpoint is now available.


In the Accounts API, the size of the email field has been increased to 255.


In the List account customers endpoint, the new entityId query parameter is now available.


In the Account application created event, the token field is now marked as not required because the platform will no longer issue this legacy token at account creation.



The new Start migration of delinquency buckets endpoint is now available.


In the Start migration of balances endpoint, the new migration_go_live_date field is now available.


In the Migrations API, updated the description of the external_id field in several endpoints and removed the unused field transaction_type.external_ID from several endpoints.


Removed the unused Migrate PCI cards go live endpoint from the Migrate cards section of the Migrations API.



In the Merchant validation rule, added the MERCHANT_MISSING_MANDATORY_FIELDS reason.


In the Create processing code endpoint response, marked error and error_code fields as deprecated and added code and violations fields.



In the Create balances configuration and Update balances configuration endpoints, the new fields confirmation and opposite_impact are now available.


The description of the Create balances configuration endpoint has been updated to provide additional details.


Removed the unused allow_transactions field from several endpoints in the Holidays and Divisions APIs.



The new Request a performance test guide documents the new process for opening performance test tickets.


Made several updates and improvements to the Open a Service Desk ticket guide.



The new Banking - Interest-bearing accounts data events page is now available.


In the Authorization created event, fixed the typo on the “Pay bank slip” link.


The following deprecated endpoints related to posting timeline events have been removed.

  • List account timeline events using a cursor (deprecated)
  • List events in an account timeline (deprecated)
  • Add events to an account timeline (deprecated)

The new List timeline events offers significant stability, security, and performance improvements to provide a better platform experience.

Card network integration


After the password attempts counter exceeds the Wrong password attempts program parameter, the transaction will now be denied and the card will be blocked. For more information, see the TSM - Password tries exceeded section in the Validation code definitions guide.

Cards management


In the Get account cards endpoint, a bug was fixed where if multiple pages were returned, some of the results would be repeated.


In the Reissue card endpoint, the 200 response has been changed to 201.


The temporary card type is no longer deprecated and has a new INOPERATIVE status that applies only to temporary cards. The new section Configuring temporary cards in the Cards management guide explains this.


The response to the Get non-PCI card information and Get cards for customer and account endpoints now includes the password_tries field.


In the responses of the following endpoints, card_id is now returned as an integer, not an object.

| Get card password | Get nominal card embossing information | Append update PIN script |
| Append issuer script | Get noname card embossing information | Get card embossing history |


The status field in the response payloads in the following endpoints now contains the new INOPERATIVE status for temporary cards.

| Get cards for customer and account | Get account cards | Get non-PCI card information | Update card information |


In the List card status history endpoint, the new temporary INOPERATIVE card status has been added as a possible value for the status and previous_status response payload fields.


Calling the Get card PCI information endpoint could now change the status of TEMPORARY cards. See Configuring temporary cards for more information.


The response payload for the Get encrypted card data for embossing endpoint has been changed.


In the Reissue card endpoint, the stage field will be deprecated on 30 September 2024.



In the description of the Discharge routine in the Understanding statements | Reactive routines guide, added link to How the program uses configurable entities for more information.


Corrected the description of the id query parameter in the following endpoints.

| Cancel installments advance | Get installment payment | Cancel installment payment | Get installments advance | Cancel installments advance |


The API reference documentation for the List program due dates endpoint was showing the wrong information for the 200 response. Updated the reference with the correct information.



In the Register asset endpoint, marked the customer_name field as not required.

Banking operations


The new Interest-bearing accounts API is now available.


The old bank accounts endpoints have been decommissioned on May 8th and were replaced by their new counterparts.

  • Register IBAN account replaces Register bank account.
  • Get bank account replaces Get bank account by Pismo account ID.
  • The new endpoint to replace Update bank account is yet to be announced.

Instant payments


There are new Pix refund endpoints that interact directly with DICT (Diretório de Identificadores de Contas Transacionais) - a national Pix key registry and database. Pismo can now interact directly with this database, eliminating the need for endpoints that used a local database and went through another financial institution to update DICT. The old Pix refund endpoints are now DEPRECATED.

Transaction banking


In the Earmark created, updated, or canceled event, processing_code was removed from the top level, but remains an attribute as part of the internal_operation object.


In the Post payment endpoint, changed the error message for the 400 error WPMT0029 to "Payment request with conflicting force parameters".


In the Post multi-leg payment endpoint, added new 400 errors.

  • Added WMLP0005: Validation error: one or more legs did not pass validation.
  • Under debits inside WMLP0005, added the following error messages.
    WMLP1026: Payment request with conflicting force parameters.
    WMLP1028: Invalid params for validation rule ACCOUNT_STATUS.
  • Under credits inside WMPL0005, added WMLP1027: Invalid validation rule UNKNOWN.


In the Post multi-leg payment and Post multi-leg payment (deprecated) endpoints, added the following error messages.

  • 400 ERROR MESSAGE Invalid business date format
  • 500 ERROR MESSAGE Invalid business date for current business day cycle:
  • 500 ERROR MESSAGE Invalid business date format


In the Post float cash-in endpoint, made the following updates.

  • Added link to the Float payment lifecycle status changed event.
  • Changed the 400 - Invalid settlement date WCFC0014 error message from "settlement_date: date must be after the next cycle opening date" to "settlement_date must be after the current business date".


In the Get transaction banking account info endpoint, added the uncleared_funds field in the 200 response.


In the Update earmark endpoint, added a note in the description that earmark balance cannot be reduced to zero.



In the List marketplaces endpoint, added missing 200 response information. Previously, the documentation stated that the response returned OK. Now, the documentation lists all returned fields.

Control Center


In Pismo Control Center, the features for managing processing codes and transaction types have been expanded. Highlights include viewing and managing transaction categories, as well as linking transaction types with processing codes.



The Pismo API collection is now published as part of the Pismo API public workspace in Postman. You can fork this collection into your personal workspace to customize and streamline your testing environment. The new Testing Pismo API endpoints with Postman guide explains how to test using Postman.


The existing Postman collections have been streamlined into the new Pismo cards collection. The new Pismo cards collection guide describes how to use the collection.