6 March 2023

AccountsCorporate bankingDisputesDocumentationEventsFlex controlsPaymentsStatementsTransactions


📍Corporate banking

Corporate banking endpoints for hierarchies, corporate accounts, divisions, and earmarks have been updated to platform standard.

📍Hold funds

New Hold funds functionality allows you to prevent or limit financial movement of a specified amount of money out of the account. New endpoints to support this feature are:

📍Dispute migration

It is now possible to migrate a dispute from Visa or Mastercard to the Pismo platform, and continue with it there. There are 3 new dispute migration endpoints:

📍Delinquency buckets

There is a new delinquency bucket feature for statements. These buckets are created when a statement's minimum amount due is not paid. New endpoints to support this feature are:

New events:

Capture pre-authorization

In addition to working with the REDE acquirer, the Capture pre-authorization endpoint now works without calling an acquirer layer. You can specify whether to call the acquirer in the enabled field.

Updates and fixes

📍ID fields int64 format

As announced previously in the changelog entry 2023-02-20 hotfix, the authorization_id and transaction_id fields are changing to support int64 (increased from int32). This change is planned to take effect on March 10. All other ID fields will support int64 in the future. As a best practice, Pismo strongly recommends that you update your data handling and storage accordingly.

📍Due date

When creating account application, the due date is now only required for credit programs, removing the need to enter it for prepaid programs.

📍Transaction documentation fixes

📍Update processing codes

On the Update processing codes endpoint, corrected the URL path and updated the description.

📍Cancel transfer message

On the Cancel transfer endpoint, added another error message, 400 - Authorization process is still ongoing.


📍Corporate banking documentation

📍Deprecation and changelog documentation

Revised and updated the API life cycle and deprecation strategy and Pismo Changelog guides in the Getting Started section.

📍Pismo Console

  • Restructured the guides related to Pismo Console.
  • A new Pismo Console guide documents the new program creation process via a new series of screens.
  • The Program parameters reference guide has been improved and the table has been simplified.

📍Flex control fields

In the Flexible transaction controls guide, added time_zone and currency_code fields to the table.

📍Confluent Cloud events configuration

Added a guide to the Data and reporting section about configuring the Confluent Cloud platform for streaming event delivery.

📍Authorization validation rules

A new Authorization validation rules guide explains the use of validation rules by the Pismo platform. The last section of the doc lists the rules. Each rule links to a details section in a Rule list.

📍Events documentation