6 February 2023

AuthorizationsAccountsCardsCorporate bankingDisputesDocumentationPaymentsProgramsTransactions


πŸ“Accounting events reports

  • Cost center information is now included in the accounting events report file. In the entry_creation-1 event, added accounting_event_id, accounting_entry_id, credit_cost_center and debit_cost_center fields.
  • In the Accounting events report files guide, added the following fields: Transaction_ID, RefDate, ProcessingCode, ProcessingCodeDescription, Event_ID, AccountEntry_ID, DebitCostCenter, and CreditCostCenter. Also, added the sample accounting events file section with examples of the file structure and contents.

πŸ“Partial authorization for Visa

New partial authorization feature for Visa is now available. Partial authorization addresses insufficient fund declines at the point-of-sale. It provides an alternative to a declined transaction when the available Visa card or account balance is not sufficient to approve a transaction in full. Instead of a decline, the transaction is approved for a portion of the original amount requested.

πŸ“New card embossing endpoints

Two new card embossing endpoints are now available:

πŸ“ New Account delinquency API

New Account delinquency API is now available for handling unpaid minimum account payments. Every time the minimum payment isn’t made, a β€œdelinquency bucket” is created.

πŸ“ Automated dispute installment control

Automated dispute installment control feature is now available for disputes. If an issuer opens a dispute for a transaction that has more than one installment, with installments that can still be posted, the issuer will need to open a dispute for subsequent installments as well. With automated dispute installment control, once you open a chargeback for the first installment, the same information can be used for subsequent transaction installments. You, as an issuer, only have to open a dispute for the first installment. The option for this is configured at the program level.

Updates and fixes

πŸ“Account balances and limits updates

πŸ“Application form field

On the endpoint Get application form by application ID, added application_form object field in the response.

πŸ“Create adjustment updates

In the Create adjustment endpoint, marked deprecated fields in the adjustment_type objects and updated examples.

πŸ“Installments metadata field

In the Create installments payment endpoint, added the metadata field.


πŸ“Card network integration

  • In an effort to streamline our documentation and clear up some of the confusion around full balance versus zero balance integration, a new category under Card issuing - Card network integration - has been created. This category contains every guide related to full and zero balance integration in a sequence that will aid in clients' understanding and implementation.
  • A new Full balance versus zero balance integration guide summarizes the differences between full balance and zero balance integration and contains a checklist table with links for more information.
  • A new Full and zero balance workflows guide details what is generated during the workflow process for each integration model.
  • In the Validation codes for authorization events guide, new codes have been added and information for some of the existing codes has been updated. The table entries now link to code definitions in a new Validation code definitions page.

πŸ“Fee clearing event example

In the Authorization events guide, added new example for the fee clearing event.

πŸ“Events documentation

  • Improved Common event fields page with the overview and additional information.
  • Improved Disputes events section with descriptions and links to relevant guides and endpoint references.
  • Updated Accounts data events guide with added and corrected endpoints and events.

πŸ“Corporate banking program types

Corporate banking launch reference guide and the Create program based on template reference page are updated to include corporate banking program types: Current accounts, Internal accounts, and Correspondent accounts.

πŸ“Corporate banking launch reference

πŸ“Get Org info fields

The Get Org info reference page is updated to include four fields that are included in the response payload: category, category_name, type, and type_name.

πŸ“Managing account statuses guide

In Managing account statuses guide, added account status change reasons and reworked the rest of the page to add details and improve clarity.

πŸ“Credit full balance events

In the Account events guide, added section with the credit full balance events.

πŸ“Payment requests clarification

Updated the Confirm a payment request with clarifying details.

πŸ“Transfer funds fields

In the Transfer funds endpoint reference, marked the from and to fields as required and updated the descriptions.