Account balance changed
This event occurs asynchronously when account balance changes due to any relevant account activity, such as credit or debit operations, which in turn impacts account limits. This event also occurs when blocking, unblocking, and transferring held funds.
Generated by: Block amount, Unblock held amount, Transfer held amount
More information: Hold funds, Account limits
Type: object
Domain: availables
Event: change_available
Version: 1
account_id required
Title: Account ID
Description: Account ID.
Type: integer
amount required
Title: Amount
Description: Amount by which the transaction impacted the account limits.
Type: number
id required
Title: ID
Description: For internal Pismo processing only.
Type: string
Format: uuid
Min length: 1
Max length: 38
operation_type required
Title: Operation type
Description: Defines if the transaction will impact the limit positively (CREDIT) or negatively (DEBIT).
Type: string
Min length: 1
Max length: 20
org_id required
Title: Organization ID
Description: Organization ID.
Type: string
Min length: 1
Max length: 52
tracking_id required
Title: Tracking ID
Description: Unique 36-character tracking ID of the transaction.
Type: string
Min length: 1
Max length: 75
updated_at required
Title: Updated at
Description: Timestamp when the limits were impacted in the local time zone of the platform database.
Type: string
Min length: 1
Max length: 27
Title: Amount considered in the transaction
Description: Amount by which to consider evaluating the transaction. For example, if this value is 100, but the transaction also has some associated fees, the platform can consider only 100 of principal amount to evaluate this transaction.
Type: number
Title: Available credit limit
Description: Initial available credit limit of the account.
Type: number
Title: Available installment limit
Description: Amount available for installments in the credit account.
Type: number
Title: Available savings account limit
Description: Available limit of the savings account.
Type: number
Title: Available update datetime
Description: Timestamp when the limits were updated in the UTC 0 time zone.
Type: string
Min length: 1
Max length: 30
Title: Available withdrawal limit
Description: Amount available for withdrawal in the credit account.
Type: number
Title: Caller API
Description: API that called the Ledger API.
Type: string
Min length: 1
Max length: 255
Type: array
Min length: 1
Max length: 255
Type: array
Min length: 1
Max length: 255
Type: array
Min length: 1
Max length: 255
Title: Held funds
Description: Held funds on the account. Usually, but not always, this occurs due to a legal action.
Type: number
Title: Additional funds
Description: Additional funds represents funds that can be used as supplementary when needed and are available to credit limit, held funds, or other funds.
Type: number
Title: Limits
Description: Show account limits.
Type: objectmax_credit_limit
Title: Maximum credit limit
Description: Maximum credit limit approved for this account. Usually granted by a credit analysis.
Type: numbertotal_credit_limit
Title: Total credit limit
Description: Total credit limit as set by the user. This can be any value up to the max_credit_limit.
Type: numbertotal_installment_credit_limit
Title: Total installments credit limit
Description: Amount limit for installments in the credit account.
Type: numbertotal_overdraft_limit
Title: Overdraft limit
Description: Maximum limit for overdraft spending on the savings account.
Type: numberwithdrawal_credit_limit
Title: Withdrawal credit limit
Description: Amount limit for withdrawal in credit programs. This value is calculated by multiplying total_credit_limit and Withdrawal limit percentage (defined for the program).
Type: number
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"title": "Account balance changed",
"description": "This event occurs asynchronously when account balance changes due to any relevant account activity, such as credit or debit operations, which in turn impacts account limits. This event also occurs when blocking, unblocking, and transferring held funds. <br>Generated by: <a href='' target='_blank'>Block amount</a>, <a href='' target='_blank'>Unblock held amount</a>, <a href='' target='_blank'>Transfer held amount</a> <br> More information: <a href='' target='_blank'>Hold funds</a>, <a href='' target='_blank'>Account limits</a>",
"required": [
"properties": {
"account_id": {
"title": "Account ID",
"description": "Account ID.",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 1,
"maximum": 4294967295
"amount": {
"title": "Amount",
"description": "Amount by which the transaction impacted the account limits.",
"type": "number",
"minimum": 0.01,
"maximum": 18446744073709551617
"id": {
"title": "ID",
"description": "For internal Pismo processing only.",
"type": "string",
"format": "uuid",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 38
"operation_type": {
"title": "Operation type",
"description": "Defines if the transaction will impact the limit positively (CREDIT) or negatively (DEBIT).",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 20
"org_id": {
"title": "Organization ID",
"description": "Organization ID.",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 52
"tracking_id": {
"title": "Tracking ID",
"description": "Unique 36-character tracking ID of the transaction.",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 75
"updated_at": {
"title": "Updated at",
"description": "Timestamp when the limits were impacted in the local time zone of the platform database.",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 27
"amount_consider": {
"title": "Amount considered in the transaction",
"description": "Amount by which to consider evaluating the transaction. For example, if this value is 100, but the transaction also has some associated fees, the platform can consider only 100 of principal amount to evaluate this transaction.",
"type": "number",
"minimum": 0.01,
"maximum": 18446744073709551617
"available_credit_limit": {
"title": "Available credit limit",
"description": "Initial available credit limit of the account.",
"type": "number",
"minimum": -18446744073709551617,
"maximum": 18446744073709551617
"available_installment_limit": {
"title": "Available installment limit",
"description": "Amount available for installments in the credit account.",
"type": "number",
"minimum": -18446744073709551617,
"maximum": 18446744073709551617
"available_savings_account_limit": {
"title": "Available savings account limit",
"description": "Available limit of the savings account.",
"type": "number",
"minimum": -18446744073709551617,
"maximum": 18446744073709551617
"available_update_datetime": {
"title": "Available update datetime",
"description": "Timestamp when the limits were updated in the UTC 0 time zone.",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 30
"available_withdraw_limit": {
"title": "Available withdrawal limit",
"description": "Amount available for withdrawal in the credit account.",
"type": "number",
"minimum": -18446744073709551617,
"maximum": 18446744073709551617
"caller": {
"title": "Caller API",
"description": "API that called the Ledger API.",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 255,
"examples": [
"considers": {
"title": "Considers",
"description": "Limits that are considered for evaluation in the transaction.",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 255
"examples": [
"impacts": {
"title": "Impacts",
"description": "Limits that will be impacted in the transaction.",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 255
"examples": [
"opposite_impacts": {
"title": "Opposite impacts",
"description": "This field contains a list of limits that should be oppositely impacted in response to the `operation_type`. For instance, if a credit operation affects `AvailableCreditLimit`, the limits specified in this list will be debited to counterbalance the credit impact.",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 255
"examples": [
"held_funds": {
"title": "Held funds",
"description": "Held funds on the account. Usually, but not always, this occurs due to a legal action.",
"type": "number"
"additional_funds": {
"title": "Additional funds",
"description": "Additional funds represents funds that can be used as supplementary when needed and are available to credit limit, held funds, or other funds.",
"type": "number"
"limits": {
"title": "Limits",
"description": "Show account limits.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"max_credit_limit": {
"title": "Maximum credit limit",
"description": "Maximum credit limit approved for this account. Usually granted by a credit analysis.",
"type": "number"
"total_credit_limit": {
"title": "Total credit limit",
"description": "Total credit limit as set by the user. This can be any value up to the max_credit_limit.",
"type": "number"
"total_installment_credit_limit": {
"title": "Total installments credit limit",
"description": "Amount limit for installments in the credit account.",
"type": "number"
"total_overdraft_limit": {
"title": "Overdraft limit",
"description": "Maximum limit for overdraft spending on the savings account.",
"type": "number"
"withdrawal_credit_limit": {
"title": "Withdrawal credit limit",
"description": "Amount limit for withdrawal in credit programs. This value is calculated by multiplying total_credit_limit and Withdrawal limit percentage (defined for the program).",
"type": "number"
Updated 1 day ago