2022-12-01 changelog
Anti-fraudAuthorizationsCardsConsoleDocumentationDisputesMigrationsSample projects
📍 Dispute fees
New endpoints and documentation for dispute fees which are used to exchange funds between an acquirer and an issuer and are typically used to reverse a chargeback.
- There is a Dispute fee section in the Disputes overview guide.
- There are 4 new endpoints - Create dispute fee, Get dispute fee, List dispute fees, and Update dispute fee.
- New dispute_fee_events-1 is generated by the Create dispute fee endpoint.
📍 New network chargeback reversal
New Network chargeback reversal endpoint allows you to cancel a chargeback.
📍 New card-not-present endpoint and guide
New Validate card endpoint is now available for third-parties to validate a card with Pismo for card-not-present transactions. See the Card-not-present validation guide for additional information.
📍 Platform legacy tool deactivation
Platform legacy tool has been deactivated as of November 7, 2022. The user and program management functionalities have been migrated to Pismo Console.
📍 New Audit screen on Pismo Console
The new Audit screen enables Pismo Console users (with the appropriate permissions) to search the change history of user activities within your Org.
📍 New option in Migrate transactions endpoint
For installments_type
in the Migrate transactions endpoint, you can now select a type of WITH_INTEREST
was the only option.
📍 New Clearing/Base II event
New clearing-1 event is now available and recommended to use over raw messages events. In addition to raw data, the new event contains useful information to identify the account, card, program, file type, and network. See guide for more information about clearing events.
📍 New query parameters to list accounting scripts
In the List accounting scripts endpoint, new parameters debitAccountingAccount
are creditAccountingAccount
allow you to query accounting scripts related to a debit or credit accounting account.
📍 New Disputes state machine guide
A new guide - Disputes state machine - has been added to the Disputes documentation. It details the state machine Pismo provides to help step clients through the dispute chargeback process with the network.
📍 New Card lifecycle and statuses guide
A new guide - Card lifecycle and statuses - has been added to the Cards documentation. It provides more clarity about the lifecycle and statuses for the different types of cards - noname, nominal, and reissued.
📍 New Sample project with OpenID authentication tutorial
A new tutorial - Sample project with OpenID authentication - is now available for the sample project that uses a Postman collection and OpenID authentication.
📍 Updated Sample project with basic authentication tutorial
Fixed a problem that was causing some of the requests in the Payments section to error out. Republished the Sample project with basic authentication tutorial in the guides.
📍 Updated Anti-fraud integration guide
The Anti-fraud integration guide includes the following updates:
- New section on how your anti-fraud system can overwrite a Pismo platform decision with the
parameter. - New examples of the raw data messages for both Visa and Mastercard.
- Removed several unused fields from the response payload example.
📍 Updated API references
The following API reference sections were updated to correct and improve descriptions:
- Authorizations
- Adjustments