2021-9-20 changelog

Orgs Programs Accounts


📍 Time zone definition for organizations and programs
Customers who operate in different time zones can define within their organizations and programs which time zone applies to their processing and settlements.

📍 Enable account migration to different programs
You can use /v1/accounts/programs/migration to migrate customer accounts to different programs, since the program types are the same. For example, if a cardholder wants to upgrade their credit card program, you can use this endpoint to do the migration through the Pismo platform.

Updates and fixes

📍 Update related to the acquisition channel attribute for new accounts creation
Programs set up to track a channel from which an end-user solicits a new account creation previously required the acquisition_channel attribute in the endpoint. Using the updated endpoint /v2/s2s/applications, this attribute is no longer mandatory.

If the customer doesn't use acquisition_channel, Pismo uses the program_id attribute to validate new account creation.