2021-9-13 changelog

Pismo Console Authorizations Cards Documentation


📍 Pismo Console
With Pismo Console, admin users can create and manage security keys, which are responsible for the communication between the your organization and the Pismo platform.

Using templates, you can create new programs in a few clicks.


Program creation based on templates on Pismo Console.

You can also audit data changes, providing transparency and traceability for both you and Pismo.

📍 Authorization validator mapping
If a request is rejected by the anti-fraud service, the Pismo platform will use the response_code returned from the anti-fraud service. The response_code must be a valid code according to ISO 8583.

If the authorizer rejects the transaction and the anti-fraud service approves it, the authorizer uses the default approval response_code.

If the authorizer approves the transaction and the anti-fraud service rejects it, the authorizer accepts the anti-fraud decision.

Updates and fixes

📍 Flexibilization on card expiration date format
The Pismo platform will now accept an expiration date in either MM/YY or YY/MM format.

📍 Documentation
Create a dispute form: API Swagger has been updated.