2021-11-15 changelog
📍 No-name bulk card issuance
The new Bulk Card Issuance API allows you to securely issue multiple no-name cards at once. These cards don't bear personal details about the card holders when issued and can later be bound to an existing customer on the Pismo platform. This new feature enables multiple use cases, such as corporations that want to distribute gift cards and General Purpose Reloadable (GPR) payroll cards, or banks that want to make cards immediately available to their account holders.
📍 Multi embossing
The new embossing feature allows you to customize the embossing_group
of a card independently from the program standard. This gives you freedom to control embossing by emission time, embossing agency, and quantity of cards for a determined geography. For example, you can define all cards created in a geography to be embossed by a specific agency based on your business criteria, since all these configurations are present in the embossing_group
. When the card is sent for embossing, the Pismo platform will now generate an embossing event.
📍 New installments advancement and installment payments events
The installment_advancement-1 and installment_payment_processed-1 events are now emitted when posting to installments advancement v2 and installment payments v4.
Updates and fixes
📍 Currency validation for operations
The Payments API will now validate currency based on the ISO4217 standards for all operations. Requests with invalid currency values will be rejected with HTTP status 400.
📍 Documentation updates
The following documentation updates are now available.
- Authorization events, Linking events in an authorization workflow, and Validation rules for authorizations – Added three new guides that explain the events emitted during the authorization workflow for network transactions.
- Core objects and initial setup - Replaced the key concepts and setup overview guides with clearer, more actionable information.
- Authenticating requests - Added a link to the complete list of endpoints that require an account-specific token.
- Data and reporting overview - Updated and reorganized this entire section. Added instructions for setting up real-time event delivery to an Azure account.