Make transfer

API reference

You can make a transfer by using the following endpoint. For more information, go to the API reference.

POST <URL>payments/v1/payments

Transfer (P2P)

To perform a transfer of funds between two accounts inside the Pismo platform using the account balance:

  • in the from object, provide the account id of the source Pismo account.
  • in the to object, provide the account id of the destination Pismo account.

Image showing a result of a transfer.

Request payloadResponse
(A) - from(H) - event_date
(B) - to(I) - authorization_id
(C) - account id
(D) - amount
(E) - currency
(F) - payment method
(G) - metadata

Sample payload request

   "descriptor":"P2P payment",
      "source":"account balance",
      "message":"Sunday's barbecue share"

Sample response

   "authorization_id": 31042116,
   "authorization_ids": {
     "credit": 31042117,
     "debit": 31042116
   "available_credit_limit": 1874.68,
   "event_date": "2022-01-12T12:16:17.646Z",
   "tracking_id": "b970c8a9-5ec9-4e46-8c0d-f411e0bd6ce7"

Response details

tracking_idstringThe identifier provided or the one generated by Pismo.
event_datestringThe date and time of the moment the transaction was successfully made, in UTC-0.
authorization_idsobjectThe credit and debit authorization identifiers.
authorization_ids.creditnumberThe credit authorization identifier.
authorization_ids.debitnumberThe debit authorization identifier.
metadataobjectThe metadata returned from the acquirer, if applicable.

Transfer from card

To perform a transfer from a card that was previously registered in the wallet to an account within the Pismo platform, you must:

  • in the from object, provide the card's unique identifier, card_uuid, and the account id that the card is bound to.
  • in the to object, provide the account id of the destination Pismo account.

Image showing the parts of the transfer on a mobile phone.

Request payloadResponse
(A) - from(H) - event_date
(B) to(I) - authorization_id
(C) account id
(D) amount
(E) currency
(F) payment method
(G) metadata

Sample payload request

  "descriptor": "P2P payment with card",
  "from": [
      "amount": 150,
      "currency": "USD",
      "card": {
        "id": "f45dbe01-4109-11ea-ab1d-3286e4ea7ade",
        "account_id": 5487
  "to": [
      "account": {
        "id": 126789
  "metadata": {
    "source": "account balance",
    "message": "Sunday's barbecue share"

Sample response

    "authorization_id": 31042111,
    "authorization_ids": {
      "credit": 31042112,
      "debit": 31042111
    "event_date": "2022-01-12T12:11:58.952Z",
    "metadata": {
      "authorization_code": "154856",
      "nsu": "893681195173",
      "tid": "13042201120912190001"
    "tracking_id": "1641989519"


A cash-in operation moves funds from an external party into an account on the Pismo platform. To perform cash-in operations, you need to:

  • in the to object, provide the account object that contains a valid Pismo account id.
  • in the from object, provide the custom_info object that contains the type of the operation.

Image showing the parts of the transfer on a mobile phone.

Request payloadResponse
(A) - to(F) - event_date
(B) - account id(G) - descriptor
(C) - account balance(H) - metadata
(D) - descriptor(I) - authorization_id
(E) - amount

Sample payload request

	"descriptor": "BANK TRANSFER",
	"from": [
			"custom_info": {
				"type": "CASHIN",
				"external_id": "be6474e8-b849-4213-9e1f-bdf619a27a63"
	"to": [
			"amount": 150,
      "currency": "USD",
			"account": {
				"id": 105708
    "sender": "Andrew Foster",
    "bank": "OneBank",
    "branch_code": "0089",
    "account_id": "13000-7"

Sample response

   "authorization_id": 31042107,
   "authorization_ids": {
     "credit": 31042107,
     "debit": null
   "available_credit_limit": 1200.00,
   "event_date": "2022-01-12T12:06:06.377Z",
   "status_code": 1,
   "tracking_id": "63c8f39c-6a79-4250-ad33-34b89f28deff"


To perform cash-out operations using the account balance, you need to:

  • in the from object, provide the account object that contains a valid Pismo account id.
  • in the to object, provide the custom_info object that contains the type of the operation you are performing.

The custom_info object allows multiple possibilities, such as withdrawing funds, topping up mobile devices, paying registered bills, and more.

Image showing the parts of the transfer on a mobile phone.

Request payloadResponse
(A) - from(F) - event_date
(B) - currency(G) - descriptor
(C) - amount(H) - metadata
(D) - payment method(I) - authorization_id
(E) - entry_mode

Sample payload request

  "descriptor": "ATM's withdrawal",
  "from": [
      "amount": 50.00,
      "currency": "USD",
      "account": {
        "id": 125487,
  "to": [
      "custom_info": {
        "type": "WITHDRAWAL",
        "external_id": "2343646-2139867-09897776"

Sample response

  "authorization_id": 31042110,
  "authorization_ids": {
    "credit": null,
    "debit": 31042110
  "available_credit_limit": 1875.68,
  "event_date": "2022-01-12T12:09:26.627Z",
  "tracking_id": "eea76b3c-46c0-4c6c-9312-27e9ee48acbf"

Related pages

Guides / Payments and transfers
API reference / Transfer funds